CORRECTION: Financial results 12 months 2016


  1. Date of BALANCE SHEET (31.12) and SHARE (31.12) are corrected in the FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS section.
  2. English text editorial corrections. No changes made in Estonian announcement.


Consolidated net sales in 2016 were 17.5 mil. euros, representing an 9,3% decrease compared to the same period in 2015 (18.6 mil. euros in 2015). Consolidated EBITDA amounted to 100 thousand euros (EBITDA 739 thousand euros in 2015). Reducing the stock volumes of own produced goods negatively influenced the EBITDA of 2016 through changes in inventories in the amount of 529 thousand euros (in 2015 the increase in stock had a positive effect to EBITDA in the amount of 477 thousand euros). Consolidated net loss in 2016 amounted to 1.0 mil. euros (compared to net loss 0.4 mil. euros in 2015).

The turnover of Skano Fibreboard OÜ together with its Finnish subsidiary Suomen Tuulileijona in 2016 was 12.1 mil. euros (2015: 12.6 mil. euros). The operating loss in 2016 was 96 thousand euros (in 2015 operating profit 268 thousand euros).  

Sales decreased in Russia and Finland, two of our larger markets, due to their general economic situation. We have been continuously expanding the list of our target markets and made significant efforts in product development.

The turnover of Skano Furniture Factory OÜ was 4.2 mil. euros, including the amount of 1.0 mil. euros sales to Skano group furniture retail companies (2015 respectively 4.8 mil. euros and 1.2 mil. euros). The sales decreased in 2016 by 11.8%. The decrease in sales has turned to small increase during Q4 2016. The operating loss in 2016 was 658 thousand euros (in 2015 the operating loss was 634 thousand euros). The operating loss includes the write-offs of the receivables from subsidiaries respectively 202 thousand euros in 2016 and 265 thousand euros in 2015. The operating loss was also affected by decrease of inventories through changes in inventory of finished goods. 2016 costs were higher also due to one-off redundancy costs.  

The turnover of Skano Furniture OÜ retail chain was 2,2 mil. euros (2015: 2.5 mil. euros). Operating loss in 2016 was 83 thousand euros (2015: 352 thousand euros). Operating loss was negatively influenced by the weakening Ukrainian currency hryvna, we had in 2016 in Ukraine a loss-making retail subsidiary (closure of our Ukrainian operations is now in process, as earlier announced).


As of 31.12.2016 the total assets of Skano Group AS amounted to 12.0 mil. euros (31.12.2015: 13.3 mil. euros). The liabilities of the company of 8.1 mil. euros accounted for 67.4% of total assets (31.12.2015: 62.9%).

Receivables and prepayments of 1.0 mil. euros at 31.12.2016 were at same level as of 31.12.2015 (31.12.2015: 1.0 mil. euros). Inventories have decreased by 0.6 mil euros last year, amounting to 2.8 mil. euros on 31.12.2016. (31.12.2015: 3.4 mil. euros). Property, plant and intangibles amounted to 8.1 mil. euros as of 31.12.2016 (8,5 mil.  euros as of 31.12.2015).

Current and non-current liabilities have decreased by 0.2 mil. euros to 8.1 mil. euros (31.12.2015: 8.3 mil. euros).






  th EUR % of sales
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Fibreboards 12,170 12,696 69.5% 67.6%
Furniture wholesale 4,235 4,801 24.2% 25.6%
Furniture retail 2,203 2,537 12.6% 13.5%
Group transactions (1,106) (1,245) (6.3%) (6.6%)
TOTAL 17,502 18,789 100.0% 100.0%




  th EUR % of net sales
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Finland 6,060 6,912 34.6% 36.8%
Estonia 3,129 3,256 17.9% 17.3%
Russia 2,878 3,351 16.4% 17.8%
Great Britain 1,244 1,206 7.1% 6.4%
Latvia 760 774 4.3% 4.1%
Portugal 717 235 4.1% 1.3%
Sweden 596 574 3.4% 3.1%
Ukraine 394 400 2.3% 2.1%
Lithuania 406 434 2.3% 2.3%
SAR 288 493 1.6% 2.6%
Germany 206 160 1.2% 0.9%
Denmark 123 158 0.7% 0.8%
Other countries 701 836 4.0% 4.4%
TOTAL 17,502 18,789 100.0% 100.0%

Turnover has increased in Portugal and in Great Britain. The decrease in turnover was mainly because of lower sales in Russia and Finland.




th EUR 2016 2015
Fibreboards  (96) 268
Furniture wholesale (658) (634)
Furniture retail (83) (352)
Elimination 107 617
TOTAL (730) (101)
Net financial costs (310) (301)
Income tax (5) (9)
NET PROFIT (1,045) (411)


SKANO FIBREBOARD (including Suomen Tuulileijona Oy)

The net sales of Skano Fibreboard in 2016 amounted to 12.1 mil. euros and operating loss to 96 thousand euros. In the same period 2015 the turnover of Skano Fibreboard totalled 12.6 mil. euros and the operating profit totalled 268 thousand euros. The decrease in the stock of finished production affected negatively the operating result trough changes in inventories of finished goods.  

The decrease in sales in 2016 compare to last year was mainly because of decrease of sales in Finland and Russia, total decrease in these markets was 860 thousand euros. In 2015 Finnish and Russian market was 57.7% from the total sales, in 2016 the share was 52,8%. Sales increased most in Portugal.



  th EUR % of net sales
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Finland 4,597 5,134 41.3% 44.6%
Estonia 1,682 1,752 13.8% 13.7%
Russia 1,527 1,850 11.5% 13.1%
Great Britain 1,146 1,163 9.1% 8.3%
Portugal 717 235 5.6% 0.8%
Sweden 596 573 4.8% 4.6%
Latvia 397 305 2.7% 2.2%
SAR 288 493 2.4% 4.4%
Lithuania 175 102 1.3% 0.7%
Denmark 123 158 1.2% 1.4%
Germany 140 160 1.2% 1.2%
Other countries 682 683 5.2% 4.9%
TOTAL 12,070 12,608 100.0% 100.0%




The net sales of the Skano Furniture Factory in 2016 amounted to 4.2 mil. euros including sales to group retail operations 1.0 mil. euros. Operating loss was 658 thousand euros. In 2015 the turnover of the factory amounted to 4.8 mil. euros and the operating loss to 634 thousand euros. The decrease in sales was 11.8% mainly due to sales decrease in Finland. The operating loss was negatively affected by decrease in inventories through changes in finished goods inventories.



  th EUR % of net sales
  2016 2015 2016 2015
Finland 1,463 1,770 35.5% 36.5%
Russia 1,349 1,501 32.7% 31.2%
Other countries 417 373 8.2% 8.1%
Group retail companies 1,007 1,157 23.6% 24.2%
TOTAL 4,236 4,801 100.0% 100.0%



Skano group retail business is operated by a private limited daughter company Skano Furniture OÜ and its subsidiaries in Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine. As of 31.12.2016 Skano has totally 8 stores: two stores in Tallinn, one store in Tartu, one store in Pärnu, one store in Riga, one store in Vilnius, one store in Kiev and one store in Kharkiv. In October 2016, the shop in Tallinn Rocca al Mare was closed and the shop in Pärnu Road was enlarged. Also, one shop in Kiev was closed in October 2016.

Retail sale amounted to 2.2 mil. euros in 2016 (2015: 2.5 mil. euros) what is 13.2% less than in 2015. Operating loss in 2016 was 83 thousand euros (2015: 352 thousand euros). Operating loss in 2015 contains a loss from a drop of currency exchange rate of hryvnia in the amount of 243 thousand euros and inter-company receivable write-offs in the amount of 125 thousand euros.




  th EUR % of net sales Number of stores
  2016 2015 2016 2015 2016 2015
Estonia* 1,330 1,472 60.4% 58.0% 4 5
Latvia 363 469 16.5% 18.5% 1 1
Ukraine** 278 264 12.6% 10.4% 2 4
Lithuania 231 332 10.5% 13.1% 1 1
TOTAL 2,202 2,537 100.0% 100.0% 8 11

* In October 2016, the shop in Tallinn Rocca al Mare centre was closed and the amount of shops in Estonia remained 4.

** In October 2016, the shop in Kiev Arax centre was closed and the 2 shops remain in Ukraine.



SKANO FIBREBOARD: 2017 has started with increased sales in our largest market, Finland. We are in process of adding more sales agents in Germany, the biggest fibreboard market in Europe, which should help us grow sales further. The improvement program of our production process is in work and the aim is to lower the production costs.

In July 2016, Skano Fibreboard OÜ received Sintef Certification, which has now opened the doors to sell our wind barrier boards on the Norwegian market, the negotiations are in process.

SKANO FURNITURE FACTORY AND WHOLESALE: The cost cutting program in 2016 improves our cost competitiveness for 2017. Negotiations with agents from both Norway and Great Britain are in process, which should improve our possibilities for further sale in these markets. .

SKANO FURNITURE RETAIL SALES: We expect steady retail sales in the Baltics in 2017. The cost savings recently undertaken should improve the profitability of the retail business. The Ukrainian subsidiary will be closed during 1Q 2017, as earlier announced. At the same time, we are in process of entering into a distribution agreement with an Ukrainian retail company wanting to sell our furniture.




th EUR 2016 2015 2014
Income statement      
Revenue 17 502 18 789 20 330
EBITDA 100 739 -312
EBITDA margin 0,6% 3,9% -1,5%
Operating profit -730 -101 -1 199
Operating margin -4,2% -0,5% -5,9%
Net profit -1 045 -411 -1 481
Net margin -6,0% -2,2% -7,3%
Balance sheet (31.12)      
Total assets 11 964 13 262 13 329
Return on assets -8,7% -3,1% -11,1%
Equity 3 900 4 919 5 300
Return on equity -26,8% -8,4% -27,9%
Debt-to-equity ratio 67,4% 63,8% 57,5%
Share (31.12)      
Closing price 0,460 0,730 0,850
Earnings per share -0,23 -0,09 -0,33
Price-earnings ratio -2,00 -8,11 -2,58
Book value of a share 0,87 1,09 1,18
Market to book ratio 0,53 0,67 0,72
Market capitalization 2 070 3 284 3 824



EBITDA = Earnings before interest. taxes. depreciation and amortization

EBITDA margin = EBITDA / Revenue

Operating margin = Operating profit / Revenue

Net margin = Net profit / Revenue

Return on assets = Net profit / Total assets

Return on equity = Net profit / Equity

Debt-to-equity ratio = Liabilities / Total assets

Earnings per share = Net profit / Total shares

Price-earnings ratio = Closing price / Earnings per share

Book value of a share = Equity / Total shares

Market to book ratio = Closing price / Book value of a share

Market capitalization = Closing price * Total shares




th EUR 31.12.2016 31.12.2015
Cash and bank 184 292
Receivables and prepayments 965 997
Inventories 2,760 3,426
Total current assets 3,909 4,715
Investment property 405 406
Tangible fixed assets 7,584 8,120
Intangible fixed assets 66 21
Total fixed assets 8,055 8,547
TOTAL ASSETS 11,964 13,262
Debt obligations 1,176 1,253
Payables and prepayments 2,497 2,684
Short-term provisions 15 15
Total current liabilities 3,688 3,952
Non-current debt obligations 4,163 4,163
Non-current provisions 213 228
Total non-current liabilities 4,376 4,391
Total liabilities 8,064 8,343
Share capital at nominal value 2,699 2,699
Issue premium 364 364
Statutory capital reserve 288 288
Other reserves 2 7
Currency translation 40 7
Retained profits 1,552 1,965
Net profit (loss) for the year (1,045) (411)
Total equity 3,957 4,919




th EUR 4Q 2016 4Q 2015  2016  2015
SALES 3,873 4,225 17,502 18,789
Cost of goods sold (3,350) (3,543) (14,425) (14,870)
Gross profit 522 682 3,077 3,919
Marketing expenses (589) (807) (2,939) (3,203)
General administrative expenses (136) (183) (595) (705)
Other income 27 61 98 342
Other expenses (131) (34) (371) (454)
Operating profit (loss) (307) (281) (730) (101)
Financial income and financial expenses (69) (75) (309) (301)
Profit (loss) before taxes (376) (356) (1,039) (402)
Prepaid income tax (2) (5) (6) (9)
NET RESULT FOR THE PERIOD (378) (361) (1,045) (411)
Basic earnings per share (0.08) (0.08) (0.23) (0.09)
Diluted earnings per share (0.08) (0.07) (0.23) (0.09)
Other comprehensive income:        
Currency translation differences 23 97 33 23
TOTAL INCOME (355) (264) (1,012) (388)


The planned time of publishing of interim report of the first quarter of 2017 is week 22 in 2017 (30-31th of May 2017)



Torfinn Losvik

CEO and Chairman of the Management Board

+372 569 90 988


Skano 2016 4Q interim report ENG.PDF