Interim report 3rd quarter 2016/17

The Board of Directors of egetæpper a/s has today presented and approved the interim report for the 3rd quarter of the financial year 2016/17. The interim report has not been audited or reviewed by the company auditors.

The interim report contains the following main points:

The result of the 3rd quarter (1 November 2016 – 31 January 2017):

  • The turnover of the Group amounts to 269 mio. DKK against 230 mio. DKK last year, corresponding to an increase of 17%. Adjusted for the acquisition of Carpet Concept the organic growth constitutes 8%.
  • EBIT of the 3rd quarter makes up 17.2 mio. DKK and is on par with last year. Costs derived from the acquisition of Carpet Concept affect EBIT negatively with 3.3 mio. DKK. Corrected for the latter, EBIT has increased by 20%.
  • The net investments in long-term assets amount to 188 mio. DKK, of which Carpet Concept is included with 179 mio. DKK.
  • Cash flows from operation amount to 11 mio. DKK.

The result of the 1st – 3rd quarter (1 May 2016 – 31 January 2017): 

  • Turnover of the Group amounts to 725 mio. DKK.
  • The result before financial items and taxation amounts to 55.3 mio. DKK corresponding to an EBIT-margin of 8%. After correction of last years profit regarding the sale of our property in Vejle and costs associated with the acquisition of Carpet Concept, EBIT has altogether increased by 9 percentage points.
  • The net investments in long-term assets during the period amount to 208 mio. DKK. Carpet Concept is included with 179 mio. DKK.
  • Cash flows from operation amount to 49 mio. DKK.

Prospects 2016/17

Based on the development we have observed during the first 9 months of the financial year, our expectations for the financial year 2016/17 as reported in the interim report 12 December 2016 are maintained. However, cash flows from operating activity are adjusted to 70-80 mio. DKK against 80-90 mio. DKK as previously announced.



Mr. John Vestergaard, CFO                                              Mr. Svend Aage Færch Nielsen, CEO
Tel. +45 97118811                                                         Tel. +45 97118811

egetæpper a/s

Herning, 16 March 2017


Kvartalsrapport 3 2016_2017_UK_sec.pdf