Source: Elite Media Communications

Phenomenal Conference’s in Dallas For Elite Media Communications Staff Members

Wauwatosa, March 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- This year, members from the Elite Media Communications team consisting of Saad Fleifel, Sara Alaam, Lakisha Porsche-Bates, and Maria Bucci, along with owner and President Leigh Jackson attended the Managers and Top Leaders Meeting held at the Gaylord Texan Resort, in Grapevine Texas. This conference took place On Monday, March 13th through Wednesday, March 15th.

The Managers and Top Leaders Meeting is an event designed to promote and discuss leadership development strategies the company has implemented. With this mindset of motivating and promoting others, the goal is to find the next generation of leaders. These networking events work toward creating a unified corporate culture that trains, develops and mentors career-focused employees. The people that attend these events are account managers nationwide, who have all been impacted by the best owners. This year, owner Leigh Jackson spoke at the Keys to Success meeting, held specifically for owners to attend.

Returning from Dallas, Leigh discussed what it was like to speak at this event, stating that “Every time I get an opportunity to speak, it’s kind of the same . . . it’s always a very humbling experience for me, to know that the higher ups, and peers selected me to speak . . . and the joy I got from it, is being able to deliver a message to all the owners, and being able to give it my spin.” As far as his biggest takeaway from this event, Leigh said that it is something he got “from my mentor Zach. . . and it’s to learn how to effectively manage your time, and making sure that every single second of every single day counts.”

For attendees Maria Bucci, and Lakisha Porsche-Bates, the event was just as fulfilling, with Bucci claiming “It was an amazing experience, and I got so much more out of it than I can even describe or that I thought I was going to.”  When asking about the biggest thing they learned while there, Porsche-Bates stated it was “in the recruiting phases . . . and during interviews, making sure I’m picking the right people, making sure I’m not getting down when I’m losing people.” Bucci said that for her, “It was the focus on recruiting. And the takeaway for me was being in an environment where people are so successful and so knowledgeable and have so much experience. The stronger we all are individually, the stronger we are together. . . the opportunities are out there, you just have to do what is already working. Take the advice of people who have made it, because they want you to make it too.”

For a lasting thought, Leigh has some good advice for those looking to get where he is, with being invited to speak at these events. He said that the biggest thing is “Not focusing so much on always getting to the stage and speaking, but perfecting your craft . . . Everyone who likes to speak should have a goal to publicly speak . . . and not get caught up in the awards and achievements. . . and have a goal, but don’t get so caught up in the materialistic side.”