Alm. Brand A/S – Weekly report on share buybacks

In the period 15 May 2017 to 19 May 2017, Alm. Brand A/S bought own shares for a total amount of DKK 9.0 million as part of the share buyback programme of up to DKK 300 million announced on 1 March 2017.

The share buy-back programme is expected to run until the end of March 2018. In aggregate, shares of DKK 38.3 million were bought back, equivalent to 12.8% of the overall programme.


Under the share buyback programme, the following transactions were made during week 20:


Date No. of
Average purchase price (DKK) Transaction value
15 May 2017 31.707 59,00 1.870.713
16 May 2017 29.268 58,83 1.721.836
17 May 2017 28.048 58,04 1.627.906
18 May 2017 36.585 56,92 2.082.418
19 May 2017 29.268 57,50 1.682.910
Accumulated during the period 154.876 58,02 8.985.784
Accumulated under the share buyback programme 667.066 57,46 38.329.515


Danske Bank manages the share buyback programme, which is completed in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 (the “Market Abuse Regulation”).


Following the above transactions, Alm. Brand holds 3,461,046 own shares, equivalent to 2.09% of the share capital.


Transactional data relating to share buy-backs is provided on the following pages in detailed form and in aggregated form, in accordance with Commission’s Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016.



Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:

Cristina Rønde Hefting, Investor Relations Manager, on tel. +45 35 47 79 22.



Detailed transaction data



  15 May 2017   16 May 2017   17 May 2017   18 May 2017   19 May 2017
  Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK
XCSE 31.258 59,00   28.621 58,84   28.048 58,04   33.772 56,95   29.268 57,50
TRQX 341 59,00   116 58,50   0     174 56,50   0  
TRQM 0     0     0     0     0  
BATE 0     531 58,50   0     2.612 56,53   0  
BATD 0     0     0     0     0  
CHIX 108 59,00   0     0     27 56,50   0  
CHID 0     0     0     0     0  
Total 31.707 59,00   29.268 58,83   28.048 58,04   36.585 56,92   29.268 57,50


15 May 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
31.707 59,00    
117 59,00 TRQX 20170515 12:03:45.598000
117 59,00 TRQX 20170515 12:03:45.598000
54 59,00 CHIX 20170515 12:03:45.599000
54 59,00 CHIX 20170515 12:03:45.599000
1.564 59,00 XCSE 20170515 13:29:13.317000
107 59,00 TRQX 20170515 16:09:28.694000
10.987 59,00 XCSE 20170515 16:40:03.443861
18.707 59,00 XCSE 20170515 16:47:20.631095


16 May 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
29.268 58,83    
531 58,50 BATE 20170516 9:15:52.801000
451 58,50 XCSE 20170516 9:15:53.652000
1.000 58,50 XCSE 20170516 9:15:53.747000
561 58,50 XCSE 20170516 9:15:53.993000
500 58,50 XCSE 20170516 9:15:54.318000
426 58,50 XCSE 20170516 9:15:54.488000
531 58,50 XCSE 20170516 9:15:54.526000
500 59,00 XCSE 20170516 16:10:35.394000
1.000 59,00 XCSE 20170516 16:10:35.394000
500 59,00 XCSE 20170516 16:10:35.394000
2.000 59,00 XCSE 20170516 16:10:56.988000
81 58,50 TRQX 20170516 16:12:05.116000
35 58,50 TRQX 20170516 16:26:57.143000
1.266 59,00 XCSE 20170516 16:36:32.191000
734 59,00 XCSE 20170516 16:36:32.191000
1.884 59,00 XCSE 20170516 16:39:58.816000
17.268 58,83 XCSE 20170516 16:42:58.824767


17 May 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
28.048 58,04    
125 58,00 XCSE 20170517 11:17:06.114000
1.416 58,00 XCSE 20170517 11:33:18.301000
459 58,00 XCSE 20170517 13:42:20.389000
2.000 58,25 XCSE 20170517 14:00:01.685828
1.541 58,00 XCSE 20170517 14:21:43.221000
1.541 58,00 XCSE 20170517 14:21:43.221000
771 58,00 XCSE 20170517 14:21:43.221000
3 58,00 XCSE 20170517 14:39:24.966000
100 58,00 XCSE 20170517 14:49:39.386000
129 58,00 XCSE 20170517 14:53:25.154000
17 58,00 XCSE 20170517 15:04:57.385000
359 58,00 XCSE 20170517 15:05:10.762000
39 58,00 XCSE 20170517 15:05:10.762000
1.073 58,00 XCSE 20170517 16:34:54.705000
1.927 58,00 XCSE 20170517 16:34:54.705000
16.548 58,04 XCSE 20170517 16:47:25.436971


18 May 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
36.585 56,92    
4 58,00 BATE 20170518 10:16:14.830000
137 58,00 BATE 20170518 10:19:36.009000
126 58,00 BATE 20170518 11:07:16.324000
15 58,00 BATE 20170518 11:07:31.799000
141 58,00 BATE 20170518 11:07:33.363000
577 58,00 XCSE 20170518 11:07:33.383000
1.546 57,50 XCSE 20170518 11:30:52.037000
454 57,50 XCSE 20170518 11:30:54.959000
333 57,00 XCSE 20170518 11:32:54.654000
1.213 57,00 XCSE 20170518 11:32:54.855000
428 57,00 XCSE 20170518 11:32:55.092000
26 57,00 XCSE 20170518 11:32:55.254000
774 56,50 XCSE 20170518 11:35:54.133000
226 56,50 XCSE 20170518 11:35:56.380000
41 56,00 BATE 20170518 11:37:49.465000
241 56,00 BATE 20170518 11:38:18.443000
827 56,50 BATE 20170518 11:44:58.426000
204 56,50 XCSE 20170518 11:44:58.428000
125 56,50 XCSE 20170518 11:44:58.428000
180 56,50 XCSE 20170518 11:44:58.428000
93 56,50 BATE 20170518 11:47:03.871000
478 56,50 XCSE 20170518 11:57:37.820000
93 56,50 XCSE 20170518 11:59:38.721000
282 56,00 BATE 20170518 12:09:26.684000
141 56,00 BATE 20170518 12:09:26.684000
282 56,00 BATE 20170518 12:43:24.865000
141 56,00 BATE 20170518 12:43:24.865000
58 56,50 TRQX 20170518 13:55:42.664000
141 56,50 BATE 20170518 13:55:42.664000
27 56,50 CHIX 20170518 13:55:42.664000
408 56,50 XCSE 20170518 13:55:42.670000
58 56,50 TRQX 20170518 14:10:34.942000
250 56,50 XCSE 20170518 14:22:33.546000
58 56,50 XCSE 20170518 14:29:11.653000
58 56,50 TRQX 20170518 16:10:39.715000
1.324 57,00 XCSE 20170518 16:34:37.600000
3.490 57,00 XCSE 20170518 16:34:37.600000
21.585 56,92 XCSE 20170518 16:48:59.837916


19 May 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
29.268 57,50    
12.000 57,50 XCSE 20170519 13:49:51.119720
17.268 57,50 XCSE 20170519 16:30:41.858415






AS 27 2017 - Weekly report on share buybacks.pdf