Alm. Brand A/S – Weekly report on share buybacks

In the period 17 July 2017 to 21 July 2017, Alm. Brand A/S bought own shares for a total amount of DKK 6.0 million as part of the share buyback programme of up to DKK 300 million announced on 1 March 2017.

The share buy-back programme is expected to run until the end of March 2018. In aggregate, shares of DKK 107.2 million were bought back, equivalent to 35.7% of the overall programme.


Under the share buyback programme, the following transactions were made during week 29:


Date No. of
Average purchase price (DKK) Transaction value
17 July 2017 19,512 59.50 1,160,964
18 July 2017 19,512 59.50 1,160,964
19 July 2017 21,951 60.00 1,317,060
20 July 2017 19,512 60.00 1,170,720
21 July 2017 19,512 60.00 1,170,720
Accumulated during the period 99,999 59.80 5,980,428
Accumulated under the share buyback programme 1,857,297 57.72 107,200,195


Danske Bank manages the share buyback programme, which is completed in accordance with Commission Regulation (EC) No. 596/2014 of 16 April 2014 (the “Market Abuse Regulation”).


Following the above transactions, Alm. Brand holds 4,464,568 own shares, equivalent to 2.7% of the share capital.


Transactional data relating to share buy-backs is provided on the following pages in detailed form and in aggregated form, in accordance with Commission’s Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052 of 8 March 2016.



Please direct any questions regarding this announcement to:

Cristina Rønde Hefting, Investor Relations Manager, on tel. +45 35 47 79 22.



Detailed transaction data


17 July 2017   18 July 2017   19 July 2017   20 July 2017   21 July 2017
Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK   Number of shares VWAP DKK
19,512 59.50   19,512 59.50   21,951 60.00   19,512 60.00   19,512 60.00
0     0     0     0     0  
0     0     0     0     0  
0     0     0     0     0  
0     0     0     0     0  
0     0     0     0     0  
0     0     0     0     0  
19,512 59.50   19,512 59.50   21,951 60.00   19,512 60.00   19,512 60.00



17 July 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
19,512 59.50    
3,000 59.50 XCSE 20170717 10:00:49.193000
5,000 59.50 XCSE 20170717 16:34:47.546000
11,512 59.50 XCSE 20170717 16:42:13.437224


18 July 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
19,512 59.50    
2,103 59.50 XCSE 20170718 10:11:47.392000
500 59.50 XCSE 20170718 10:11:47.392000
1,000 59.50 XCSE 20170718 10:11:47.392000
397 59.50 XCSE 20170718 10:11:47.392000
1,000 59.50 XCSE 20170718 10:28:48.664000
125 59.50 XCSE 20170718 13:35:04.573000
500 59.50 XCSE 20170718 13:58:08.254000
500 59.50 XCSE 20170718 14:33:16.190000
200 59.50 XCSE 20170718 15:03:29.340000
800 59.50 XCSE 20170718 15:44:50.766000
400 59.50 XCSE 20170718 15:52:43.537000
475 59.50 XCSE 20170718 16:28:32.336000
11,512 59.50 XCSE 20170718 16:49:02.926305


19 July 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
21,951 60.00    
9,000 60.00 XCSE 20170719 16:33:56.155000
12,951 60.00 XCSE 20170719 17:00:45.932924


20 July 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
19,512 60.00    
4,000 60.00 XCSE 20170720 10:14:48.386000
3,000 60.00 XCSE 20170720 16:50:48.291000
1,000 60.00 XCSE 20170720 16:50:48.291000
11,512 60.00 XCSE 20170720 16:52:34.530158


21 July 2017
Volume Price Venue Time CET
19,512 60.00    
4,000 60.00 XCSE 20170721 13:18:06.487000
383 60.00 XCSE 20170721 15:38:54.822000
500 60.00 XCSE 20170721 15:38:54.822000
600 60.00 XCSE 20170721 15:38:54.822000
151 60.00 XCSE 20170721 15:38:54.822000
125 60.00 XCSE 20170721 15:38:54.822000
1,498 60.00 XCSE 20170721 15:38:54.822000
743 60.00 XCSE 20170721 15:38:54.822000
11,512 60.00 XCSE 20170721 16:33:13.404349



AS 41 2017 - Weekly report on share buybacks.pdf