Source: RiskIQ, Inc.

RiskIQ Reveals Digital Footprint Snapshot – On-Demand, Cost-Effective External Asset Intelligence Report

SAN FRANCISCO, July 25, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RiskIQ, the leader in digital threat management, today unveiled RiskIQ Digital Footprint Snapshot, which provides organizations with an automated, on-demand intelligence report of their internet-facing digital assets. Snapshot reports offer a quick, easy, and cost-effective way to discover and understand the diverse, distributed, and dynamic set of digital assets connected to an organization outside the firewall. Enterprises can incorporate this digital footprint intelligence as part of their integrated risk management program aimed to reduce their attack surface and protect their business.

For a no-cost preview, organizations can log into RiskIQ Community Edition. Here, companies can access RiskIQ’s entry-level products, such as Digital Footprint, and view a free high-level snapshot. Users simply log in with their corporate email address to obtain an immediate glimpse into their external asset map and inventory.

According to Forrester Research, digital footprints are incredibly vast and chaotic. “A firm’s digital footprints encompass every touch point, mention, and affiliation that links to the company. Given the large number of social networks, mobile apps, and websites where this activity can occur, the number of associated corporate accounts, sites, apps, and ads can easily rise into the thousands for large organizations. When you account for the unowned but associated digital elements – including those owned by affiliated third parties, associated with current and former employees, and created fraudulently– manual tracking becomes untenable.”1

As organizations embrace digital channels to enhance products, promote business, and extend customer and employee engagement, their digital presence and attack surface grows. This attack surface is comprised of known, unknown, unsanctioned, poorly maintained, and lost internet-facing assets that may contain vulnerabilities susceptible to attack by external threat actors. Given mounting breach, reputation, and privacy compliance risks, security teams must have the ability to map, inventory, and monitor business-relevant assets outside the firewall. Digital Footprint Snapshot offers a convenient and economical starting point to understand an organization’s digital footprint and facilitate means to improve its security posture.

“RiskIQ Digital Footprint allows organizations to more effectively discover, map, and monitor their internet-facing digital assets that may be susceptible to exploitation or compromise. Now with the release of Snapshot, enterprises can obtain an on-demand report to account for often hidden and vulnerable digital assets, and use this report data to enrich their integrated risk management program,” said Steve Ginty, senior product manager at RiskIQ.

RiskIQ Digital Footprint Snapshot allows any enterprise to readily discover and inventory external web assets and infrastructure across diverse domains, IPs, hosting providers, service providers, and affiliates that are connected to an organization. Snapshot leverages RiskIQ’s continuous internet reconnaissance, vast internet data sets, and advanced analytics to deliver an interactive Snapshot report comprised of a filterable graph and inventory details of connected, internet-facing assets.

Threat defenders, such as those who manage vulnerability assessment and penetration testing programs, can interact with visual aids and insights to uncover and account for external assets and pinpoint potential security and compliance exposures that require attention.

The online Snapshot report advantages are:

  • On-demand – Extensive, active internet reconnaissance capabilities allow RiskIQ to package cost-effective, point-in-time external asset intelligence reports for all organizations
  • Automated – Automatically generates a list of external assets that are connected to an organization, derived from keystone, owned assets and RiskIQ’s observed internet data sets and advanced algorithms
  • Extensive – Drill down into assets and see details like IP address, hosts, ownership information, and server type, as well as components and frameworks running on the asset
  • Actionable – Online report can be shared internally and allows for external asset data export via CSV into popular vulnerability, GRC, and asset management solutions

Availability and Migration Path
RiskIQ Digital Footprint Snapshot is available today. Through RiskIQ Digital Footprint Community Edition, users can readily see a preliminary external asset map and inventory at no charge. RiskIQ Digital Footprint Snapshot, point-in-time digital footprint intelligence, can be purchased as a single, one-off report starting at $6,250 or a set of four scheduled, quarterly reports starting at $20,000. Users can upgrade to RiskIQ Digital Footprint Premium Edition to gain a full, curated inventory that is continuously updated and actively detailed to identify new assets and possible component vulnerabilities (CVEs). RiskIQ Digital Footprint Enterprise Edition offers active monitoring of selected assets to alert on changes to assets or indications of component compromise, such as phishing or malware.

Get a demonstration of RiskIQ Digital Footprint and RiskIQ Digital Footprint Snapshot at Black Hat USA 2017 booth #1454 and at SANSFIRE 2017. An informational webinar will also be held on Thursday, Aug. 10 at 9 a.m. PT. Register here: https://www.riskiq.com/webinar/digital-footprint-snapshot/.

About RiskIQ
RiskIQ is the leader in digital threat management, providing the most comprehensive discovery, intelligence, and mitigation of threats associated with an organization’s digital presence. With more than 75 percent of attacks originating outside the firewall, RiskIQ allows enterprises to gain unified insight and control over web, social, and mobile exposures. Trusted by thousands of security analysts, RiskIQ’s platform combines advanced internet data reconnaissance and analytics to expedite investigations, understand digital attack surfaces, assess risk, and take action to protect business, brand, and customers. Based in San Francisco, the company is backed by Summit Partners, Battery Ventures, Georgian Partners, and MassMutual Ventures.

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Use RiskIQ Community Edition for free by visiting https://community.riskiq.com/.

1 Forrester Research Inc., Nick Hayes, The Forrester Wave™: Digital Risk Monitoring, Q3 2016.