Vastned Retail Belgium: Half-yearly financial report for the period 01.01.2017 to 30.06.2017

The EPRA result in the first semester of 2017 is € 1,24 per share (€ 1,18 for the first semester of 2016).
Continued execution of the strategy to ensure that the share of core city assets in the real estate portfolio exceeds 75% in the long term.
As at 30 June 2017, 59% of the real estate portfolio consisted of core city assets and 41% of mixed retail locations (inner-city shops outside of the premium cities, high-end retail parks and retail warehouses).
Realisation of 13 rental transactions, representing approximately 8% of the total annual rental income.
Occupancy rate as at 30 June 2017: 98% (98% as at 31 December 2016).
Increase in the fair value of the existing real estate portfolio by 13,5 million in the first semester of 2017, mainly as a result of the stronger yields of the core city assets.
Limited debt ratio of 28% as at 30 June 2017.
Expected gross dividend for 2017 between € 2,40 and € 2,50 per share.
Full press release:


PB VRB Half-yearly results 2017_ENG