Business activity results of the 1 half of the year 2017

The Board of AB Kauno Energija (hereinafter – the Company) (code – 235014830) assessed results of Company’s business activity of the 1 half of the year 2017 and financial state as at 30 June 2017 and approved AB Kauno Energija consolidated and Company’s non-audited results of the 1 half of the year 2017.

The result of Company’s activities of the 1 half of the year 2017 according to the International Financial Reporting Standards is profit in amount of EUR 6,177 thousand (result of the 1 half of the year 2016 was amounted to EUR 7,017 thousand), turnover from sales is EUR 35,321 thousand (in the 1 half of the year 2016 it was amounted to EUR 36,189 thousand). The result of activities of the Group which consists of AB Kauno Energija and its’ subsidiaries UAB Kauno Energija NT (code – 303042623) and UAB Petrašiūnų Katilinė (code 304217723) of the 1 half of the year 2017 is profit in amount of EUR 6,160 thousand (the result of the 1 half of the year 2016 – EUR 7,185 thousand), turnover from sales is amounted to EUR 35,313 thousand (turnover from sales of the 1 half of the year 2016 is amounted to EUR 36,184 thousand).

As at the end of reporting period (30 June 2017) the rate of critical liquidity of the Company that makes comparison between short term assets without stocks and short term liabilities, increased from 1.44 to 1.85 during the period from the end of the year 2016 (the rate of the Group increased from 1.14 to 1.39). The EBITDA of the Company of the 1 half of the year 2017 is EUR 9,723 thousand (EBITDA of the 1 half of the year 2016 was EUR 10,520 thousand), and EBITDA of the Group is EUR 10,089 thousand (EBITDA of the 1 half of the year 2016 was EUR 10,667 thousand).

We hereby present an Interim unaudited Financial Statements of the 1 half of the year 2017 together with confirmation of responsible persons.

         Agnė Šermukšnienė, Project Manager of the Economics and Planning Department, tel. +370 37 305 602


FAR KE ENG 2017 I half.pdf