Silvano Fashion Group Quarterly report Consolidated Interim Financial Report for Q2 and 6 months of 2017 (unaudited)

Selected Financial Indicators


Summarized selected financial indicators of the Group for 6 months of 2017 compared to 6 months of 2016 and 30.06.2017 compared to 31.12.2016 were as follows:


in thousands of EUR 6m 2017 6m 2016 Change
Revenue 32 810 30 595 7,2%
EBITDA 8 094 11 218 -27,8%
Net profit for the period 5 702 6 133 -7,0%
Net profit attributable equity holders of the Parent company 5 434 5 986 -9,2%
Earnings per share (EUR) 0,15 0,16 -6,3%
Operating cash flow for the period 4 716 8 708 -45,8%
in thousands of EUR 30.06.2017 31.12.2016 Change
Total assets 56 592 56 145 0,8%
Total current assets 44 358 42 677 3,9%
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Parent company 37 112 43 402 -14,5%
Cash and cash equivalents 24 933 22 303 11,8%
Margin analysis, % 6m 2017 6m 2016 Change
Gross profit 49,5 56,3 -12,1%
EBITDA 24,7 36,7 -32,7%
Net profit 17,4 20,0 -13,1%
Net profit attributable equity holders of the Parent company 16,6 19,6 -15,5%
Financial ratios, % 30.06.2017 31.12.2016 Change
ROA 9,8 14,7 -33,3%
ROE 13,2 19,6 -32,7%
Price to earnings ratio (P/E) 18,2 13,2 37,9%
Current ratio 2,7 4,9 -44,9%
Quick ratio 1,7 3,0 -43,3%

 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position


in thousands of EUR Note 30.06.2017 31.12.2016
Current assets      
Cash and cash equivalents   24 933 22 303
Current loans granted   2 19
Trade and other receivables 2 3 709 4 168
Inventories 3 15 714 16 187
Total current assets   44 358 42 677
Non-current assets      
Long-term receivables   250 21
Investments in associates   28 19
Available-for-sale investments   342 369
Deferred tax asset   977 1 012
Intangible assets   212 291
Investment property   996 1 091
Property, plant and equipment 4 9 429 10 665
Total non-current assets   12 234 13 468
TOTAL ASSETS   56 592 56 145
Current liabilities      
Trade and other payables 5 14 871 6 894
Tax liabilities   1 636 1 857
Total current liabilities   16 507 8 751
Non-current liabilities      
Deferred tax liability   9 37
Total non-current liabilities   9 37
Total liabilities   16 516 8 788
Share capital 6 11 100 11 100
Share premium   10 787 10 787
Treasury shares 6 -2 520 -998
Statutory reserve capital   1 306 1 306
Revaluation reserve   710 710
Unrealised exchange rate differences   -13 970 -10 968
Retained earnings   29 699 31 465
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Parent company   37 112 43 402
Non-controlling interest   2 964 3 955
Total equity   40 076 47 357

  Consolidated Income Statement


in thousands of EUR Note 2Q 2017 2Q 2016 6m 2017 6m 2016
Revenue 8 18 268 17 237 32 810 30 595
Cost of goods sold   -8 804 -7 694 -16 563 -13 371
Gross Profit   9 464 9 543 16 247 17 224
Distribution expenses   -3 285 -2 215 -6 159 -4 230
Administrative expenses   -1 284 -1 144 -2 559 -2 265
Other operating income   112 86 155 169
Other operating expenses   -292 -306 -562 -558
Operating profit   4 715 5 964 7 122 10 340
Currency exchange income/(expense)   2 073 -975 875 -2 494
Other finance income/(expenses)   39 36 106 101
Net financial income   2 112 -939 981 -2 393
Profit (loss) from associates using equity method   3 0 12 0
Profit before tax and gain/(loss) on net monetary position 6 830 5 025 8 115 7 947
Income tax expense   -1 237 -1 006 -2 413 -1 814
Profit for the period   5 593 4 019 5 702 6 133
Attributable to :          
   Equity holders of the Parent company   5 383 3 827 5 434 5 986
   Non-controlling interest   210 192 268 147
Earnings per share from profit attributable to equity holders of the Parent company, both basic and diluted (EUR) 7 0,15 0,10 0,15 0,16


Business environment and results

The Group`s sales amounted to 32 810 thousand EUR during 6 months of 2017, representing a 7.2% increase as compared to the same period of previous year. The Group’s gross profit during 6 months of 2017 amounted to 16 247 thousand EUR and decreased by 5.7% compared to 6 months of 2016. Gross margin during 6 months of 2017 decreased to 49.5% from 56.3% in the respective to 6 months of 2016.

Consolidated operating profit 6 months of 2017 decreased by 31.1% to 7 122 thousand EUR, compared to 10 340 thousand EUR in 6 months of 2016. Consolidated EBITDA for 6 months of 2017 decreased by 27.8% and was 8 094 thousand EUR, compared to 11 218 thousand EUR in 6 months of 2016.

Reported consolidated net profit for 6 months of 2017 amounted to 5 702 thousand EUR, decreasing by 7.0% compared to prior result of 6 133 thousand EUR. Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Parent company for 6 months of 2017 decreased by 9.2% and amounted to 5 434 thousand EUR.

Group`s results for 6 months of 2017 were defined by continued challenges in economies of its major sales markets – Russia and Belarus. Group achieved growth in sales compared to 6 months of 2016, but gross margin and gross profit decreased compared to same period last year. The purchasing power in region`s countries remains low; therefore, it is hard to see some kind of relatively fast recovery in growth rates of economies under discussion.

Russian statistics are slightly improving compared to 2016, the inflation rate is falling and currently stands at 2.30% for the 6 months of 2017 (3.30% for 6 months in 2016), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects Russia's economic growth in 2017 by 1.4%, but the purchasing power of the population in real terms is still falling.


Group`s sales on Russian market totalled 18 318 thousand EUR, increase is 5.9% compared to 6 months of 2016. In local currency sales decreased by 16.6% during 6 months. Group`s Russian subsidiary opened 5 stores during 6 months of 2017, total 32 own stores is now opened. 3 more stores were opened in July 2017. The Group will continue opening own stores. In addition to growing sales and better control of the market this allows further developing of retail concept of Group`s brands to make it more attractive for us and our franchisee retail partners.


The Belarusian economy at the moment isn’t demonstrating any signs of stabilization. Major factors behind this are believed to be unreformed economy (particularly public sector and state-controlled entities), delayed impact of recession in main trading partner –Russia, continued pressure on Belarusian rouble, low demand for consumption, high level of debts in economy. Share of problematic credits in banking sector is continuously growing, according to official statistics. Against this background, analysts predict that GDP will grow by only 0.2-0.4% in 2017. Consumer prices rose by 0.4% in June 2017 compared with the previous month. According to Belstat, the June increase was due to higher prices for services. Inflation since the beginning of the year was 3.4%, and for the 2nd quarter of 2017 1.7%. Analysts believe that inflation will average 10.3% in 2017.

Group`s sales in Belarus in 6 months of 2017 were 9 332 thousand EUR and increasing 2.0% compared to 6 months of 2016. Sales in local currency decreased by 7.4% at the same period. In Belarus the Group will focus on improving profitability of its retail business, we will also continue to expand our store chain there depending on availability of reasonably priced sales areas. The Belarusian subsidiary of the Group opened 5 more stores during the 6 months of 2017, 2 more stores were opened in July 2017.

It is expected that the economy of Ukraine will return to positive growth in 2017., supported by improving consumer and investor confidence, gradually rising real incomes and a gradual easing of credit conditions.  Analysts note GDP growth this year at 2.4%, and inflation before the end of 2017 - 9.3%.

Group`s sales in Ukraine in 6 months of 2017 reached the level of 1 527 thousand EUR, which is 69.1% more than previous year same period. Sales in local currency increased by 72.6% during same period.

Financial performance

The Group`s sales amounted to 32 810 thousand EUR during 6 months of 2017, representing a 7.2% increase as compared to the same period of previous year. Overall, wholesales decreased by 3.1% and retail sales increased by 40.2%, measured in EUR.

The Group’s reported gross profit margin during 6 months of 2017 continued to improve decreasing to 49.5%, reported gross margin was 56.3% in the respective period of previous year. Consolidated operating profit for 6 months of 2017 amounted to 7 122 thousand EUR, compared to 10 340 thousand EUR in 6 months of 2016. The consolidated operating profit margin was 21.7% for 6 months of 2017 (33.8% in 6 months of 2016). Consolidated EBITDA for 6 months of 2017 was 8 094 thousand EUR, which is 24.7% in margin terms (11 218 thousand EUR and 36.7% for 6 months of 2016).

Reported consolidated net profit attributable to equity holders of the Parent company for 6 months of 2017 amounted to 5 434 thousand EUR, compared to net profit of 5 986 thousand EUR in 6 months of 2016, net profit margin attributable to equity holders of the Parent company for 6 months of 2017 was 16.6% against 19.6% in 6 months of 2016.

Financial position

As of 30 June 2017 consolidated assets amounted to 56 592 thousand EUR representing an increase by 0.8% as compared to the position as of 31 December 2016.

Trade and other receivables decreased by 459 thousand EUR as compared to 31 December 2016 and amounted to 3 709 thousand EUR as of 30 June 2017. Inventory balance decreased by 473 thousand EUR and amounted to 15 714 thousand EUR as of 30 June 2017.

Equity attributable to equity holders of the Parent company decreased by 6 290 thousand EUR and amounted to 37 112 thousand EUR as of 30 June 2017. Current liabilities increased by 7 756 thousand EUR during 6 months of 2017.


Sales structure

Sales by markets

in thousands of EUR 6m 2017 6m 2016 Change, EUR Change, % 6m 2017, % of sales 6m 2016, % of sales
Russia 18 318 17 303 1 015 5,9% 55,8% 56,6%
Belarus 9 332 9 145 187 2,0% 28,4% 29,9%
Ukraine 1 527 903 624 69,1% 4,7% 3,0%
Baltics 799 883 -84 -9,5% 2,4% 2,9%
Other markets 2 834 2 361 473 20,0% 8,6% 7,7%
Total 32 810 30 595 2 215 7,2% 100,0% 100,0%


The majority of lingerie sales revenue during 6 months of 2017 in the amount of 18 318 thousand EUR was generated in Russia, accounting for 55.8% of total sales. The second largest market was Belarus, where sales reached 9 332 thousand EUR, contributing 28.4% of lingerie sales (both retail and wholesale). Volumes in Ukraine increased significantly to 1 527 thousand EUR, accounting for 4.7% of total sales


Sales by business segments

in thousands of EUR 6m 2017 6m 2016 Change, EUR Change, % 6m 2017, % of sales 6m 2016, % of sales
Wholesale 22 519 23 245 -726 -3,1% 68,6% 76,0%
Retail 10 229 7 297 2 932 40,2% 31,2% 23,9%
Other operations 62 53 9 17,0% 0,2% 0,1%
Total 32 810 30 595 2 215 7,2% 100,0% 100,0%


During 6 months of 2017 wholesale revenue amounted to 22 519 thousand EUR, representing 68.6% of the Group’s total revenue (6 months of 2016: 76.0%). The main wholesale regions were Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.

Our retail revenue increased by 40.2% and amounted to 10 229 thousand EUR, this represents 31.2% of the Group`s total revenue.

Own & franchise store locations, geography

  Own Franchise Total
Russia 32 373 405
Ukraine 0 50 50
Belarus 63 7 70
Baltics 7 28 35
Other regions 0 121 121
Total 102 579 681


At the end of the reporting period the Group and its franchising partners operated 630  Milavitsa and 51 Lauma Lingerie branded stores, including 102 stores operated directly by the Group.



During 6 months of 2017 the Group’s investments into property, plant and equipment totalled 451 thousand EUR, in previous year same period 207 thousand EUR. Investments were made mainly into opening and renovating own stores, as well into equipment and facilities to maintain effective production for future periods.


As of 30 June 2017, the Group employed 2 264 employees, including 501 people in retail operations. The rest were employed in production, wholesale, administration and support operations. In 31.12.2016 there were 2 163 employees, including 480 people in retail operations.

Total salaries and related taxes during 6 months of 2017 amounted to 5 720 thousand EUR (5 745 thousand EUR in 6 months of 2016). The remuneration of key management of the Group, including the key executives of all subsidiaries, totalled 462 thousand EUR.

Decisions made by governing bodies during 6 months 2017

On February 2, 2017 Silvano Fashion Group Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders decided to change Silvano Fashion Group AS shareholders General Meeting decision from June 29, 2016 of its share buyback program terms and set the new maximum price at which Silvano Fashion Group AS may buy back its own shares within the own share buy-back programme is EUR 3.30 per share.

In connection with expiration of the term of the board member agreement, Kati Kusmin left the company from May 16, 2017.  AS Silvano Fashion Group  the Management Board continues with one member: Jarek Särgava. 

On June 29, 2017 Silvano Fashion Group held its regular Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The Meeting adopted following decisions.

  • The Meeting approved the 2016 Annual Report.
  • The Meeting decided to distribute dividends in the amount 0.20 EUR per share (record date 13.07.2017, payment completed on 19.07.2017).
  • The Meeting decided to re-appoint AS PricewaterhouseCoopers as the Group`s auditor for financial year 2017.
  • The Meeting decided to cancel the 1 000 000 own shares acquired within the own share buy-back programme as approved by the shareholders of AS Silvano Fashion Group on 29th of June 2016;
  • The Meeting decided to extend authority of the supervisory board member Mr. Toomas Tool for the next term of authority starting from 1 July 2017 till 30 June 2022.
  • The Meeting decided to continue with the remuneration plan of the supervisory board members as approved by the annual general meeting held on 30 June 2012.



Jarek Särgava

Member of the Board

AS Silvano Fashion Group

Phone: +372 6845 000




Consolidated interim report for Q2 and 6months of 2017(unaudited).pdf