Pöyry awarded 400kV power line engineering assignment for Svenska kraftnät in Sweden

PÖYRY PLC   Press Release 15 Aug 2017 at 11 am (CEST)

Svenska kraftnät has awarded Pöyry with the 400kV power line project, Nybro - Hemsjö, in the southern part of Sweden. Pöyry's assignment includes detailed planning and engineering of an about 90 km long steel tower line that when built will further strengthen the grid and eliminate potential overload problem in the area, and at the same time secure the existing interconnection to the Baltics.

"Nybro - Hemsjö is one of Svenska kraftnät's largest development projects. We are pleased to have Pöyry on board, with their previous experience of similar projects", says Klara Klingborg, assistant project manager of Nybro - Hemsjö at Svenska kraftnät.

The assignment also includes work on several crossing power lines, as well as supporting Svenska kraftnät during the construction period. The project will start in 09/2017 and will be completed by the end of 2023.

"Pöyry's comprehensive offering for the power transmission and distribution sector underlines the company's commitment to supporting its clients with the challenges of a changing power sector. Upgraded grid infrastructures are instrumental in adopting the future generation mix and to guarantee reliable power supply to all clients," says Johan Jalvemo, Pöyry's Head of Transmission and Distribution in Sweden.

The value of the order is not disclosed. The order will be recognised within the Energy Business Group order stock in H2/2017.

Johan Jalvemo
Head of Transmission & Distribution
Pöyry Sweden
Tel: +46 76 76 96 415

Did you know? Pöyry is one of the world's leading consulting and engineering companies within the energy sector with projects totalling over 100 GW of installed capacity worldwide. www.poyry.com/sectors/energy/transmission-distribution  

About Pöyry
Pöyry is an international consulting and engineering company.  We deliver smart solutions across power generation, transmission & distribution, forest industry, chemicals & biorefining, mining & metals, transportation and water. Pöyry's net sales in 2016 were EUR 530 million. The company's shares are quoted on Nasdaq Helsinki (POY1V). Approximately 5,500 experts; 40 countries; 130 offices.
