Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj: Hoivatilat to build a day care centre in the Housing Fair Finland area in Pori in 2018

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj
Press release 3 October 2017 at 2.30 p.m.

Suomen Hoivatilat to build a day care centre in the Housing Fair Finland area in Pori in 2018

Suomen Hoivatilat will build a day care centre for the Housing Fair Finland to be organised in Pori in 2018. A service voucher day care centre with five groups has been designed for approximately one hundred children, and it will be located right in the heart of the fair area. Early childhood education services will be produced by Pilke Daycare Centres. The property will also serve as the information building of Housing Fair Finland during the fair, which means it will be at the heart of the event. The architecture of the house also serves this purpose excellently by providing openly functional spaces for small folk as well as elderly visitors.

"During past years, Suomen Hoivatilat has already realised 70 day care centres in dozens of municipalities all around Finland. We will bring a modern and adaptable day care centre full of light to Housing Fair Finland," says Antti Kurkela, Sales Director at Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj.

Välke investigates and experiments

To be constructed in the Housing Fair Finland area, science day care centre Välke is the third day care centre run by Pilke Daycare Centres in the city of Pori. Välke's operations have an emphasis on science activities. Children's games, creativity and the use of the senses are great platforms for practising scientific thinking that develops children's memory and learning skills. The day care centre's game, yard and functional equipment inspire examining and experimenting with new things. For instance, the children can use the available microscopes and light tables in their games in addition to teaching. Through games and playing, children will learn to gain insights, try out new things and have experiences of success. Learning scientific thinking is more important than absorbing the knowledge itself.

The day care centre operates in small groups, and the premises have been designed to be divided between different games and functions. Small children under three years of age are in traditional group premises, whereas older children move throughout the entire day care centre.

"We wanted to create premises that encourage and attract active learning and independent action, as required by the new early childhood education curriculum, where digital technology and "floor work", among other things, are part of the children's everyday life," says Minna Martikainen, Managing Director at Pilke.

Open-minded architecture

The head designer of the day care centre is architect (SAFA) Markku Ranne from architect firm Avario Oy. Avario has designed day care centres also before, but the design of the housing fair day care centre in Pori includes a new and bolder approach with the intention of meeting future needs, especially when thinking about the youngest members of our families.

The main entrance together with the sheltered atrium meant for the games of younger children welcomes both fair visitors and other guests. The flexible gathering space in connection with the main entrance can be adapted to suit many different purposes. It will function as the dining hall and an event space. Group premises that can be furnished freely live and change according to the number of children and the purpose of use very flexibly when necessary. The play yards of older children open up to the back of the house and they will also have a connection to the park on the neighbouring plot.

"Adaptability according to the number of users is highlighted in the design of the premises. They have been designed so that they can be opened up, which means that the premises are not traditional boxes, so to speak. The rooms are full of light. It has also been taken into account in the design that the space can double as the fair area's residents' gathering place in the evenings," explains Ranne.

For more information, please contact:

Sales Director Antti Kurkela, Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj, tel. +358 40 734 9431

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj specialises in producing, developing, owning and leasing out day care centre and nursing home premises, service blocks and schools. Suomen Hoivatilat has already worked with 50 municipalities on a total of over 100 nursing homes or day care centres.