IT – INET Nordic and Genium INET – Changed time schedule for the migration of Icelandic fixed income products to Genium INET (68/17)

As previously communicated in IT notice 19/17, Nasdaq Iceland has decided to migrate all Icelandic fixed income products currently traded in the INET Nordic trading system to Genium INET as the MiFID II related development work for bonds will be done in Genium INET.

As noted in the earlier IT notice, the migration to Genium INET will coincide with the implementation of MiFID II in Iceland. Since the timeline for the implementation of MiFID II in Iceland has been pushed back such that the effective date is now expected to be in Q2 2019, the migration of the Icelandic fixed income products will correspondingly be postponed until Q2 2019. 

The fixed income instruments in question are currently traded on the three INET market segments listed in the table below. The two current INET market segments on Nasdaq Iceland’s regulated market, OMX ICE CP Fixed Income and OMX ICE DP Fixed income, will be merged into one Genium INET market segment.


Current INET identifiers

INET Market segment MIC INET sequent code
OMX ICE CP Fixed Income XICE 52
OMX ICE DP Fixed Income XICE 24
FN ICE Fixed Income FNIS 197

Genium INET identifiers will be communicated later. 


Market Data over GCF

Separate information will follow on changes in GCF-TIP.

Legal and Market Model

The Nasdaq Nordic Member Rules and Market Model will be updated.


Time Schedule

  • Genium INET test – Target date is Q1 2019
  • Genium INET Production – Target date is Q2 2019


Questions and feedback

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Nasdaq Iceland’s Trading division ( , tel. +354 5 25 28 50).



For technical questions please contact Technical Support (Genium INET):
Tel: +46 8 405 6750

Or Nasdaq Equity Operations (INET):
Tel: +46 405 6410


IT Notice - Changed time schedule for migration to GINET_171019 PEFN.pdf