Net sales for 3rd quarter 2017


Net sales for 3rd quarter 2017
Anteuil, November 6, 2017


Sales are up by 17.2% of which 4.1 % organic growth

Consolidated sales at the end of September 2017

In M€ 20171 2016 Growth Without exchange  rate impact Constant perimeter and constant exchange rate      
Net Sales 155.6 132.8 17.2 % 17.4 % 4.1 %      
In M€ 20171 2016 Growth Without exchange rate impact Constant perimeter and constant exchange rate      
Automotive 121.0 117.6 2.9 % 3.2 % 3.2 %      

Specialty markets



128.1 %

127.9 %

11.1 %

1 Unaudited

Automotive market: growth is 2.9 % on a market that increased by 2.6 % 

The published net sales went up by 2.9 % at the end of September 2017 (the evolution is + 3.2 % at constant perimeter & CER2) at a period when the global automotive production increased by 2.6 %.

Net sales in the "on-board networks protection" business - which account for 62.4 % of overall sales - went up by 4 % (+ 4.6 % at constant perimeter & CER2). The "technical tubing for fluid transfer" business went up by 10.9 % (+ 10.6 % at constant perimeter & CER2). The "mechanical parts assembly" business went down by 25.4 %.

The impact of the exchange rates on sales was unfavorable of - 0.4 M€ at the end of September.

At constant perimeter and exchange rate, sales evolved as follows: 

- 1.3 % in Europe-Africa in a market that grew by 2.4 %3 ;

 + 5.1 % in Americas  in a market that went down by 3.7 %3 ;

 + 7.3 % in Asia, including + 12.7 % in China and + 21.8 % in India, in a market that grew by 3.6 %3.

Sales in the automotive division - excluding the "mechanical parts assembly" business - went up by 5.5 % of which + 4.5 % in Europe-Africa.

Specialty markets

Sales in the specialty markets went up by 127.9 %. This very sharp rise was due to:

- the acquisition of Drossbach North America group on January 1st, 2017

- the sharp improvement of the non-automotive "technical textiles" business (+ 17.6 %)

- the growth of non-automotive "electrical and thermal insulation" business (+ 4.6 %).

The sales increase in the 3rd quarter of 2017 confirms DELFINGEN growth potential, in line with its strategic plan: leadership in on-board networks protection and diversification in fluid transfer technical tubing.

With the increase of media content and safety constraints, the development of hybrid and electric engines along with the advent of connected and autonomous cars, wire harnesses have truly become the nervous system of a vehicle. DELFINGEN mission is to protect it by providing even more innovative solutions and with more added value.

2 At constant perimeter and constant exchange rate

3 Source: IHS October 2017

DELFINGEN, a global automotive supplier and a leading manufacturer of on-board networks protection solutions and fluid transfer tubing.
EURONEXT GROWTH Paris - ISIN code: FR 0000054132 - Mnemonic: ALDEL
Next press release: 12/02/2018 - 2017, 4th quarter sales
Contact: M. Christophe CLERC: +33 (0) -


Net sales for 3rd quarter 2017