IT – Genium INET – Introduction of new Session States

In order to facilitate compliance with MiFID II Articles 32, 52 and 69, Nasdaq will introduce three new Session States on the Equity Derivatives markets in Genium INET as of January 3, 2018.

REGHALT: No matching. Will be used when a regulatory suspension of the underlying financial instrument is initiated with simultaneous suspension of related derivatives. When REGHALT is triggered, all orders and quotes will be automatically removed by Nasdaq. GTC/GTD orders will not be re-inserted.

REGHALT2: No matching. Will be used when the underlying financial instrument is subject to a call following an earlier suspension, during which related derivatives remain suspended. REGHALT2 normally follows REGHALT.

NTHALT: No matching. Will be used when Nasdaq automatically suspends Norwegian derivatives in response to a suspension of the underlying financial instrument on the primary market. When NTHALT is triggered, all orders and quotes will be automatically removed by Nasdaq. GTC/GTD orders will not be re-inserted.

The current procedure of suspending trading in Derivatives may still be used in certain situations.

The new session states are enabled in External Test Environment 4 (EXT4) as of today and can be triggered by Nasdaq for testing purposes on request by members or ISVs.


For further information and feedback concerning this information, please contact

Trading Surveillance
+46 8 405 6290


For technical questions, please contact

Technical Support
+46 8 405 6750


IT Notice - Genium INET - Introduction of new session states.pdf