Adsero Security recommends proactive IT security measures; Small IT risk trends can help identify real data threats

TAMPA, Fla., Dec. 20, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Organizations  that rely on simple security appliances or monitoring services are not getting a complete view of their risk surface and are enjoying a dangerous false sense of security, observes Jason Martino, Co-Managing Partner at Adsero Security.

In addition, cloud computing and mobile, while increasing business agility, have fragmented the traditional security perimeter and further complicated security efforts. According to Martino, reactive security protocols are no longer sufficient. Instead, a proactive security approach is mandatory in today’s severe risk environment.

“Proactively monitoring even low to medium severity events allows for a solution to be developed before they can become a higher severity long-term problem,” says Martino. “Monitoring real-time data over weeks and months to discover threat anomalies affords a holistic, ongoing approach to improve security continuously and build an effective risk management program. 

“Most importantly, employee security awareness is key because the security perimeter is not a defined line. It doesn’t stop at the end of the building when you walk out the door because employees can access corporate data from everywhere,” adds Martino. “It follows then that establishing a corporate-wide culture of security is essential.”

Adsero focuses on helping companies establish that culture of compliance by training their employees, helping them determine how to build business processes that are secure and how to document those processes and ingrain them into the company. Adsero ensures that an organization has not just established effective security measures, but that it will institute a proactive program to keep itself secure and improve security measures in future, he explains.


As a service to IT teams at large firms seeking to strengthen their data security protocols in a business environment becoming riskier by the day, Adsero Security announces complimentary external vulnerability scans of internet-facing corporate networks, including up to four external domains or IP addresses.

The offer is in response to proof of increased computer-driven cyber-attacks on U.S. firms identified by Adsero’s intercept tracking technologies at its Tampa headquarters.

For more information, or for a confidential IT security consultation, please call 813-616-5055 or visit