DELTA DRONE :Half-yearly report on the liquidity agreement with Louis Capital Markets

Half-yearly report on the liquidity agreement
with Louis Capital Markets

Dardilly, 5 January 2018.

Pursuant to the liquidity agreement concerning the Delta Drone company shares entrusted to Louis Capital, the cash account contained the following as at 29 December 2017:

  • 27 120                          Delta Drone shares
  • 5 014.74                    euros in cash

The cash account contained the following as at 30 June 2017:

  • 22 212                           Delta Drone shares
  • 8 987.36                       euros in cash

About Delta Drone: The Delta Drone Group is a renowned player in the field of civilian drones for professional use. It offers a complete service, from data acquisition to data processing through a specifically developed information system, including a supply of professional pilots. Delta Drone is currently present on three continents (Europe, North America, Africa) via subsidiaries.
Delta Drone is listed on Euronext Growth Paris. ISIN code: FR0011522168.
4 166 666 BSA are also listed on Euronext Growth Paris. ISIN code: FR001329977.


Jérôme Gacoin  
01 75 77 54 65  
