BIC : Number of shares and voting rights - 31 December 2017

BIC Group - Press Release
Clichy - 11 January 2018

Disclosure of total number of voting rights
and number of shares forming the capital
as of December 31, 2017

Article L 233-8-II of the French "Code de Commerce" and Article 223-16 of the General Regulations of the French "Autorité des Marchés Financiers".

As of December 31, 2017, the total number of issued shares of SOCIÉTÉ BIC is 46,629,907 shares, representing:
-                     68,081,160 voting rights,
-                     67,299,665 voting rights excluding shares without voting rights


Investor Relations: +33 1 45 19 52 26 Press Contacts:
Sophie Palliez-Capian

Albane de La Tour d'Artaise

Katy Bettach
Isabelle de Segonzac: +33 1 53 70 74 70

2018 Agenda (all dates to be confirmed)

Full Year 2017 results 14 February 2018 Meeting - BIC Headquarters
1st Quarter 2018 results 25 April 2018 Conference call
2018 AGM 16 May 2018 Meeting - BIC Headquarters
2nd Quarter and 1st Half 2018 results 1st August 2018 Conference call

About BIC

BIC is a world leader in stationery, lighters, shavers and promotional products. For more than 60 years, BIC has honored the tradition of providing high-quality, affordable products to consumers everywhere. Through this unwavering dedication and thanks to everyday efforts and investments, BIC has become one of the most recognized brands and is a trademark registered worldwide for identifying BIC products which are sold in more than 160 countries around the world. In 2016, BIC recorded Net Sales of 2,025.8 million euros. The Company is listed on "Euronext Paris" and is part of the SBF120 and CAC Mid 60 indexes. BIC is also part of the following Socially Responsible Investment indexes:  CDP's Climate A List, CDP's Supplier Climate A List, CDP Supplier Engagement Leader Board, FTSE4Good indexes, Ethibel Sustainability Index (ESI) Excellence Europe, Euronext Vigeo - Eurozone 120, Euronext Vigeo - Europe 120, Stoxx Global ESG Leaders Index.

For more information, please visit BIC corporate web site:

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