Source: RiskIQ, Inc.

Frost & Sullivan Report Emphasizes Advantages, ROI of RiskIQ’s Digital Threat Management Platform-based Approach to Security Outside the Firewall

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 31, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RiskIQ, the leader in digital threat management, today announced that Frost & Sullivan has released its “The Digital Threat Management Platform Advantage: Justification and Resource Optimization” report, which explores the return on investment (ROI) boost a digital threat management platform-based approach can deliver. According to the firm’s research, RiskIQ’s threat intelligence and application suite showed a high ROI, making a strong business case for enterprise clients by helping them lower costs surrounding security team investigations by up to 75 percent1 from reduced time and resources needed to respond to threats, exploits, and cyber adversaries.

RiskIQ is pleased to offer the Frost & Sullivan report to organizations for download.

As companies continue to invest in digital transformation initiatives that improve customer engagement and enhance their products and ecosystem, they often lose sight of the inherent risks associated with this shift. Cybercriminals are taking advantage of vulnerabilities and lax security oversight across a business’s web, social, and mobile assets—issues known as digital threats—to impact business, access sensitive customer information, and steal important company and user credentials.

Without proper governance and technical controls, an organization’s operations, employees, consumers, and brands are susceptible. According to Frost & Sullivan, “In response, organizations should be investing in digital threat intelligence and protection mechanisms that address security outside the firewall.”1

The Frost & Sullivan Cyber Resilience Framework, featured in the report, lays out the five elements these mechanisms should provide for a systemic commitment to countering digital threats:
1) Defend (continuously improve cyber protection platform, harden defense tools)
2) Prepare (intelligence-led assessment of systemic vulnerabilities, cyber drills/simulation exercises)
3) Absorb (ability to detect breaches/prevent attacks if possible, always on standby for next attack/breach)
4) Recover (reducing the time to respond, knowing how to respond, organization-wide stakeholder involvement)
5) Adapt (enhancing organizational cybersecurity consciousness, applying lessons learned)

RiskIQ helps organizations accelerate technical capabilities to address all five elements of the framework through its enterprise-class Digital Threat Management Platform – a SaaS-based threat intelligence and integrated application suite that addresses broad digital risks across web, social, and mobile channels. RiskIQ provides the insight, automation, and protection needed to understand digital footprint exposures, expedite threat investigation and monitoring, and preempt and protect against targeted external attacks.

Frost & Sullivan says, “The RiskIQ digital threat management platform enables organizations to incorporate the resiliency framework into everything they need to do in regard to threats outside of the firewall, from step 1 (defending) through step 5 (adapting to external threats).”1

Without a digital threat platform, researching and mitigating digital threats can lead to IT department budget overruns. The platform’s interoperability with security tools and automated processes used by enterprises is another major advantage, improving security infrastructure while minimizing security and business risks.1

Because RiskIQ’s platform-based approach meets the cyber resilience framework, enterprise clients have reduced costs related to security team investigations by as much as 75 percent, according to Frost & Sullivan research. Examples from the report include:

  • A national bank had to manage internal and external branding issues. Once an issue was identified and an investigation started, the team would spend a full hour collecting data. “Using RiskIQ,” the IT leader said, “we do that same amount of work in 15 minutes,” increasing productivity by more than three times.1
  • A managed services provider in the U.S. investigates an average of 400 incidents per day related to online impersonation. Without RiskIQ's Digital Threat Management platform, each resource-intensive investigation would take three to five days to complete at a cost that could not be absorbed.1
  • Before RiskIQ, a global payment services firm needed a team of four to sift through a daunting amount of data. RiskIQ narrowed the data delivered to the team by a factor of 200, providing a data set they could quickly triage, decreasing its budget from $2 million to $250,000 a year.1

To learn more and read real-life use case examples from RiskIQ customers, download the full Frost & Sullivan report on the RiskIQ website: http://www.riskiq.com/analyst-report/frost-and-sullivan-digital-threat-management-platform-advantage/.

1 “The Digital Threat Management Platform Advantage: Justification and Resource Optimization,” Frost & Sullivan, Jarad Carleton.

About RiskIQ

RiskIQ is the leader in digital threat management, providing the most comprehensive discovery, intelligence, and mitigation of threats associated with an organization’s digital presence. With more than 75 percent of attacks originating outside the firewall, RiskIQ allows enterprises to gain unified insight and control over web, social, and mobile exposures. Trusted by thousands of security analysts, RiskIQ’s platform combines advanced internet data reconnaissance and analytics to expedite investigations, understand digital attack surfaces, assess risk, and take action to protect business, brand, and customers. Based in San Francisco, the company is backed by Summit Partners, Battery Ventures, Georgian Partners, and MassMutual Ventures.

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