Clearing of Repo contracts on Danske Hypotek benchmark bonds

In order to extend the current Repo clearing offering, Nasdaq will - effective from February 1st 2018 - offer clearing of Repo contracts with Danske Hypotek benchmark bonds as underlying security. Danske Hypotek bonds are listed on the Nasdaq Mortgage bond List.

Eligible securities available for Repo clearing in Swedish Kronor (SEK) at Nasdaq are Swedish Municipal bonds, Swedish Government bonds, Swedish Mortgage bonds and Swedish T-bills.


Questions and feedback

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact:

Ulrica Ahlstedt, +46 8 405 6238


Best regards

Nasdaq Nordic Fixed Income, Nasdaq Stockholm

Nasdaq Nordic represents the common offering by Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Helsinki, Nasdaq Iceland and Nasdaq Stockholm. Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Helsinki, Nasdaq Iceland and Nasdaq Stockholm are respectively brand names for Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, Nasdaq Iceland hf. and Nasdaq Stockholm AB.