Hoylu AB publishes the Interim Report for January - December 2017

The complete version of the Interim Report January - December 2017 is attached in this press release and is available on Hoylu's web site (www.hoylu.com).

"Hoylu is currently positioned in the sweet spot of digital transformation within the enterprise. Collaboration is one of the most talked about topics and managers around the world are working to figure out how manage an increasingly dispersed workforce and an increasingly more complex world with information overflow, social media, fragmented eco-systems with applications, people and data.  True collaboration is about how to motivate and engage employees, communication between workers in multiple locations and time zones, capturing and saving information that is gathered and most of all how to engage and involve remote workers as if they were in the same room" says Hoylu Chief Executive Officer, Stein Revelsby.

 - Revenues for the twelve months were SEK 27.3 million
 - Gross margin was 68 percent
 - EBITDA amounted to SEK -18.7 million
 - Operating loss, excluding cost related to the IPO, amounted to SEK 19.0 million
 - Profit after tax amounted to SEK -21.9 million
 - Earnings per share amounted to SEK -2.35

FOURTH QUARTER 2017 (10/01/2017 - 12/30/2017)
 - Revenues for the quarter were SEK 11.5 million (Q3 SEK 5.9M)
 - Gross margin was 67 percent (Q3 67%)
 - EBITDA amounted to SEK -2.6 million (Q3 SEK -6.0M)
 - Operating loss was SEK 3.8 million (Q3 SEK -6.8M)
 - Profit after tax amounted to SEK -4.0 million (Q3 SEK -7.1M)
 - Earnings per share amounted to SEK -0.36 (Q3 SEK -0.70)

The interim report for Hoylu has been prepared in accordance with the Annual Accounts Act and the Swedish Accounting Standards Board on annual report, and consolidated financial statements BFNAR 2012: 1 (K3) as well as the Swedish Securities Market Act.

For more information, please contact:
Stein Revelsby, CEO at Hoylu +1 213 440 2499 Email: sr@hoylu.com
Karl Wiersholm, CFO at Hoylu +1 425 829 2316 Email: kw@hoylu.com

Hoylu AB
Hoylu delivers solutions for presentation, ideation and collaboration that focus on enhancing the user experience. The company's main area of interest is software for Creative Collaboration, combined with intuitive input and display technologies. This includes technologies for remote collaboration, Internet of Things and for connecting workspaces in different locations together, with the objective of simplifying work processes while improving productivity and creativity. For more information: www.hoylu.com or visit www.introduce.se/foretag/hoylu.

Ticker symbol: Hoylu
Marketplace: Nasdaq First North Stockholm
Certified Adviser: Mangold Fondkommission +46 (0)8 50301550
Legal Advisors: MAQS Advokatbyrå

This information is information that Hoylu AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at (08:30) CET on February 16, 2018.

