Investeringsforeningen Sparinvest – mergers

The mergers below will take effect on Nasdaq Copenhagen. The last day of trading shares in the discontinuing sub-funds is 21 March 2018.


Discontinuing sub-fund

ISIN: DK0015762082
Name: Sparinvest Indeksobligationer KL
Last day of trading: 21 March 2018
Short name: SPIIOBKL
Orderbook ID: 69455


Continuing sub-fund

ISIN: DK0060105393
Name: Sparinv Lange Obligationer KL A
Short name: SPILOLKLA
Unchanged orderbook ID: 51089


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Discontinuing sub-fund

ISIN: DK0010204551
Name: Sparinv Value USA KL A
Last day of trading: 21 March 2018
Short name: SPIVUSKLA
Orderbook ID: 3823


Continuing sub-fund

ISIN: DK0010079631
Name: Sparinv Value Aktier KL A
Short name: SPIVAKLA
Unchanged orderbook ID: 3821





For further information please contact: Asta Jepsen, Surveillance, tel. (+45) 33 93 33 66




Sparinv - fus 1 - uk.pdf