Split and Change of ISIN for Holmen AB (55/18)

Referring to the bulletin from Holmen AB's annual general meeting, held on April 10, 2018, the company will carry out a stock split in relations 2:1. The share will be traded under new ISIN code with effect from April 30, 2018. The order book will not change.


Short name: HOLM A
Terms: Split: 2:1
Current ISIN: SE0000171506
Last day of trading with current ISIN code: April 27, 2018
New ISIN code: SE0011090000
First day of trading with new ISIN code: April 30, 2018


Short name: HOLM B
Terms: Split: 2:1
Current ISIN: SE0000109290
Last day of trading with current ISIN code: April 27, 2018
New ISIN code: SE0011090018
First day of trading with new ISIN code: April 30, 2018

For further information about the split, please contact Holmen AB and for information about the settlement please contact Euroclear Sweden AB. For further information about this exchange notice, please contact Issuer Surveillance, iss@nasdaq.com, +46 8 405 7050.