Generix Group - 2017 / 2018 Revenue: +12% of growth


Paris, France, May 2, 2018

2017/2018 Revenue: +12%

Generix Group, Industrial, Logistics and Retail Ecosystems provider with leading Collaborative Software Solutions, issued today its revenue for its financial year 2017/2018.

Revenue 2017/2018: +12%

  Quarter ended
March 31
Change 12 months ended March 31 Change
Unaudited (K€) 2018 2017 2018 2017
Licenses 6,173 5,565 11% 23,768 21,553 10%
Maintenance 4,610 4,320 7% 18,803 17,551 7%
SaaS 1,161 1,480 -22% 4,678 4,638 1%
Software revenues 11,944 11,365 5% 47,248 43,742 8%
Consulting Services 6,179 6,092 1% 23,046 19,261 20%
Revenues 18,123 17,457 4% 70,294 63,003 12%

With €18.1 million in revenue, the group recorded 4% organic growth over the past quarter driven mainly by 11% growth in the SaaS business.

Group revenue for the fiscal year was €70.3 million, corresponding to 12% growth, 7% of which was organic.

New SaaS signings 2017/2018: €4.4 million

  Quarter ended March 31 Var. Q4 2018 vs Q4 2017 12 months ended March 31 Var. 2018 vs 2017
Unaudited (K€) 2018 2017 2018 2017
New SaaS contract signing (ACV*) 1,204 1,705 -29% 4,350 4,416 -1%

*New contracts expressed in ACV (Annual Contract Value), which emphasizes the average annual complementary revenue to be generated after implementing the contracts in question.

The Group registered a total of €1.2 million over the last quarter in new contracts, expressed in Annual Contract Value, allowing us to reach €4.4 million in full year, stable compared with the previous fiscal year. The annual signatures allowed us to generate a growth in CMRR* of over 18%.

The Group again welcomes the steadfast loyalty of its customers backed by its "Building Trust" program that has allowed the Group to reach is best ever historical attrition level, one that is consistently very weak in terms of the market values.

The quarter was especially marked by the signing of two contracts from the TM (Transport Management) range of the Generix Supply Chain HUB platform:

  • One with a Spanish food industry group, a European leader in their market, and
  • The other with an international group based in France and specializing in the production, transformation and distribution of materials.

Investments / Cashflow

During the past quarter, the Group raised its stake in its Generix Group North America subsidiary (formerly Sologlobe Logistiques Inc) to 70%, paid for by taking out a medium-term loan of €1.5 million.



The performance observed during the fourth quarter allows us to confirm the prospects for a significand increase in Group Ebitda over the past fiscal year.

* Monthly recurring revenue after taking into account contracts that are signed but which have not started yet and cancel-lations that have not yet taken effect.

Supplemental and non-IFRS Financial Information

Supplemental non-IFRS information (above-mentioned as Ebitda) presented in this press release are subject to inherent limitations. It is not based on any comprehensive set of accounting rules or principles and should not be considered as a substitute for IFRS measurements. Also, the Company's supplemental non-IFRS financial information may not be comparable to similarly titled non-IFRS measures used by other companies.

Next financial press release: June 6, 2018 after the market closes

Publication of the results of fiscal year 2017/2018

About Generix Group

Generix Group is a Collaborative Supply Chain expert present in 60 countries, thanks to its subsidiaries and network of partners. More than 5,000 companies around the world use its SaaS solutions. The group's 550 employees provide daily support for such customers as Carrefour, Danone, FM Logistic, McKesson, Bic, Essilor, Bic and Ferrero in the digital transformation of their Supply Chain.

Its collaborative platform, Generix Supply Chain Hub, helps companies to keep the promises they make to their customers. It combines the capabilities to execute physical flows, digitalize information flows, manage collaborative processes and connect companies to all their partners, in real time.

Generix Supply Chain Hub is aimed at all players in the Supply Chain: manufacturers, third and fourth-party logistics providers (3PL/4PL) and retailers. 

Founded in France in 1990, the company is listed on the Eurolist market of Euronext Paris, compartment C (ISIN: FR0004032795). To learn more:


Generix Group - Q4 2017-2018 Revenue