THERMADOR GROUPE : Monthly information concerning the total number of voting rights

Private limited company with capital of €36,439,008
339 159 402 companies register of Vienne
80 rue du Ruisseau 38297 Saint-Quentin-Fallavier

Monthly information concerning the total number
of voting rights and shares making up the company's capital
Article 222-12-5 of the general regulations governing the financial markets (AMF)

Date Total number of shares making up the capital Total number of voting rights
May 09, 2018 9,109,752 Gross number of voting rights: 9,109,752
Net* number of voting rights: 9,109,752

* Net total = total number of voting rights attached to the total number of shares - private voting right shares (treasury stock, etc.)



Monthly information concerning the total number  of voting rights.pdf