Procedure for listing of SIA AgroCredit Latvia bonds initiated

In accordance with the documents received, Nasdaq Riga started the procedure for listing SIA AgroCredit Latvia additional bonds on Baltic Bond list.  

ISIN Nominal value Issue amount Currency Maturity date
LV0000802106 5 000 100 000 EUR 31.12.2026

Till now SIA AgroCredit Latvia has issued 600 bonds with the total nominal value of 3 000 000 EUR. The first listing date for these bonds on the Baltic Bond list was August 26, 2016. According to the bond issue prospectus SIA AgroCredit Latvia has a right to issue additionally 1 400 bonds till December 1, 2026, by reaching a total issue size 10 000 000 EUR.

Settlement date for additionally issued 20 bonds for which the Listing Application has been received has been set to May 17, 2018.

The resolutions made during the listing procedure will be published separately.

Attached: SIA AgroCredit Latvia bond issue prospectus (in Latvian).

Nasdaq Baltic
Issuer Services
+371 67212431

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