Source: AB Akola Group

AB Linas Agro Group to enhance positions on the certified seeds market

The public company AB Linas Agro Group, operating in the agricultural and food sectors, is planning to strengthen the production and marketing of certified seeds and therefore makes some transitions in subsidiaries as from July 1, 2018. Two subsidiaries, AB Linas Agro and UAB Dotnuva Baltic, have been involved in the sales of certified seeds in Lithuania until now. AB Linas Agro will further run sales of seed and other agricultural inputs, whereas UAB Dotnuva Baltic will be responsible for seed production, development of the new varieties, negotiations and contracts with the main local and international seed suppliers and breeders. The aim of this change is to increase the seed production capacity of Linas Agro Group in Lithuania and develop a new brand – ‘Dotnuva Seeds’. The international seed brand is being introduced to the customers these days to help them recognize reliable, high quality certified seeds in the Baltic States.

Since 2003 the seed processing plant of UAB Dotnuva Baltic annually produces 22 thousand tons of seed of different types and varieties. They are already known for their quality in the Baltic and neighboring countries, and are unofficially called 'Seeds by Dotnuva'. The new international brand ‘Dotnuva Seeds’ has been registered recently to make products more known not only in Lithuania, but also in the other Baltic countries.

In order to meet the growing needs of certified seed market in the Baltic States, the Group plans to expand seed production capacity in 2018-2020. The initial plan is to increase warehousing area in Lithuania by 40% and create a maximum efficient seed logistics chain.

"We decided to combine the competences of both companies in the activity of products and services for farming, therefore, a year ago, we invited Darius Jaloveckas, the CEO of UAB Dotnuva Baltic to join the team of AB Linas Agro and lead the entire farmers’ supply chain in the Baltic States. He has found the ways to achieve closer cooperation between businesses, foster teamwork, so that we provide our customers with irresistibly attractive offers. The first steps have been taken last summer as seed trade in Latvia has been transferred from SIA Dotnuva Baltic to SIA Linas Agro. We strive for AB Linas Agro and UAB Dotnuva Baltic to act as one team," said Darius Zubas, CEO of AB Linas Agro Group.

SIA Linas Agro trades certified seeds in Latvia, and AS Dotnuva Baltic – in Estonia.

"As from July 1, 2018 UAB Dotnuva Baltic will focus on the sales of agricultural machinery, spare parts, grain and farm equipment, service operation efficiency, service development and seed production, whereas AB Linas Agro become more crop orientated. We will combine teams for joint activities so that the farmer receives the full package of agricultural inputs he needs from one spot, because it is more convenient for him. Popularity of our seeds has already gone beyond the borders of Lithuania, therefore the new brand ‘Dotnuva Seeds’ will be a high quality mark throughout the region. This will strengthen our positions on the certified seeds market in the Baltics and will also contribute to ensure leadership in agribusiness sector. I believe that in the long run we will be the customer's first choice and the strongest organization in the Baltic countries," said Darius Jaloveckas, Managing Director of AB Linas Agro and CEO of UAB Dotnuva Baltic.

The Group delivers 22 thousand tons of seeds per year to the customers in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. It is expected that this amount will be 5% higher this financial year than a year ago.


About AB Linas Agro Group

AB Linas Agro Group is a parent company with subsidiaries in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Denmark. The financial year of the Group begins on 1 July. The company performs only the management function and is not involved in any trading or production activities.

The subsidiaries controlled by the company produce, handle and merchandise agricultural and food products, also provide products and services for farming. The core produced and traded products are grain, oilseed, feedstuff, poultry and poultry products, raw milk. The Group is the leading exporter of grain and owns network of eleven grain storage facilities. Also the Group is one of the leaders in agricultural inputs (certified seeds, fertilizers, plant protection products and agricultural machinery) supply to the farmers, has own seed processing plant.

The financial year of the company begins on 1 July. The total headcount is 2,193. Consolidated revenue of AB Linas Agro Group in the first half of 2017/18 financial year totaled EUR 325 million and EBITDA was EUR 14.5 million.

From 17 February 2010 AB Linas Agro Group is included in the main list of companies of Nasdaq Vilnius stock exchange.


Additional information:

Darius Jaloveckas                                                      

Managing Director, AB Linas Agro
CEO, UAB  Dotnuva Baltic
Mob. +370 687 41 087

