Source: Diamond AdvanEdge

Diamond AdvanEdge Electrifies the Energy Corridor with New Partnership

Houston, Texas, May 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Diamond AdvanEdge brought an invigorating intensity to the energy corridor in Houston, Texas, announcing their latest expansion to Indiana in early February. The company now boasts ten national branches across Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona and shows no signs of slowing progression.

Just before the company’s latest expansion went public, Director of Operations for Diamond AdvanEdge, Diamante Williams announced a new client had climbed aboard the Diamond bandwagon. This client was unlike any client the company had represented in the past and posed a potential profit boasting six figures, easily.

“Our newest client is in the deregulated energy sector,” says Diamante. “We were able to negotiate a partnership between the clients that we have represented for years and our new clients, forming a powerhouse sure be profitable for all parties involved.”

In the last five months, the partnership has flourished as planned, as the public continues to buy into the better rates and member exclusives offered by Diamond AdvanEdge.

“The client’s product sells itself,” says a Diamond AdvanEdge associate. “We have the good fortune of being the face of the product, and it has brought more than just a little good fortune to us on the ground level of Diamond AdvanEdge.”

As word continues to spread and the demand for Diamond AdvanEdge products grows, Diamante has once again called upon the public for assistance.

He explains, “We need more associates than ever before. We need local hands-on-deck individuals to continue to keep pace with the growing industry. Our management team is willing to provide all of the necessary training to entry-level associates to ensure that our clients remain happy and that our associates see rapid internal career growth opportunities. The opportunity is there right now for the taking. We are seeking leadership within our ranks to step up and take it.”

The apparent overnight success for the budding partnership flourished within the Diamond AdvanEdge portfolio is a result of perfect execution of marketing strategy mixed with the coastal centralization of the Diamond AdvanEdge location. Nestled in the Houston energy corridor, it’s a wonder why this partnership hadn’t been negotiated sooner, though Diamante seems rightfully content with the timing of it all.  Heading into the two most profitable quarters of the year, the expectation to far surpass the associate’s productivity level from last year is a no-brainer.

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