William Demant Holding A/S: Investor news - agenda and presentations for Capital Markets Day 2018

Investor news                                                                                          12 June 2018
Agenda and presentations for Capital Markets Day 2018

William Demant Holding A/S will today host its Capital Markets Day 2018 in London with the following agenda:

10:05Broad hearing healthcare strategy driving long-term growth
10:35Innovation as a competitive advantage
12:45Operational excellence in Retail
14:30Opening up the world of sound with hearing implants
16:15Commitment to long-term shareholder value
16:45Closing remarks and Q&A
17:30End of formal programme

The purpose of the Capital Markets Day is to provide an update on the Company’s positioning, strategic direction and market dynamics. There are no changes to the current financial guidance.

Presentations for the event are available on the Company’s website www.demant.com. The Capital Markets Day will not be webcast live, but a video of the presentations will be made available on the Company’s website within a week from today.


Further information:
Søren B. Andersson, VP IR
Phone +45 3917 7300
Other contacts:
Mathias Holten Møller, IR Officer
Trine Kromann‐Mikkelsen, VP Corporate Communication and Relations




Investor news - Agenda and presentations for Capital Markets Day 2018