Source: National Court Reporters Association

Industry Leaders Commit to Advancing the Future of Court Reporting and Captioning Professions

NCRA Launches New Corporate Partnership Program

Reston, Va., June 13, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA), the country’s leading organization representing stenographic captioners, court reporters, and legal videographers, announced that five major industry leaders serving or representing the court reporting and captioning professions have signed on to the Association’s newly launched Corporate Partnership Program.

NCRA welcomes the following industry leaders as corporate partners:

NCRA’s Corporate Partnership program, which ranges in levels of support from $10,000 to $100,000, aids in business and workforce development efforts by NCRA and the National Court Reporters Foundation (NCRF).

“NCRA’s mission is to deepen the skills and opportunities of the court reporting and captioning professions through certification, mentorship, scholarships, leadership training, and professional development,” said CEO and Executive Director Marcia Ferranto.

“Right now we need to focus on the next generation of captioners and court reporters by illustrating that these professions are viable and lucrative career opportunities. While we recognize that there are various methods being used to capture the spoken word, NCRA’s focus is to ensure that both the general public and the legal industry understand that stenography is by far the most effective and desired method and that NCRA is focused on closing the shortage gap of stenographers nationally. Our Corporate Partners are a key part of the sustainability and growth of these initiatives,” Ferranto said.

The court reporting and captioning professions offer viable career choices that do not require a four-year college degree and yet offer good salaries, flexible schedules, and interesting venues. There is currently an increasing demand for more reporters and captioners to meet the growing number of employment opportunities available nationwide and abroad. Court reporters and captioners rely on the latest in technology to use stenographic machines to capture the spoken word and translate it into written text in real time. These professionals work both in and out of the courtroom recording legal cases and depositions, providing live captioning of events, and assisting members of the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities with gaining access to information, entertainment, educational opportunities, and more.

"Stenograph is excited and proud to be a National Court Reporters Association Industry Leader Partner. Stenograph and the NCRA are aligned by our mutual dedication to protecting, promoting and elevating the court reporting and captioning professions,” said Jeremy Steele, President of Stenograph, NCRA’s highest level partner. “We look forward to continuing and strengthening our partnership with the NCRA to positively influence the future of the industry and helping our court reporting and captioning customers to be the best they can be,” he added.

Terrie Campbell, President and CEO of Esquire Deposition Solutions, said, "Esquire is deeply aligned with the NCRA commitments, as we, too, focus on developing professional excellence, seeding the future growth and development of the profession, and helping court reporters grow their business.”

“We are impressed with the changes at NCRA and their new Corporate Partnership Program, and are absolutely thrilled and proud to join this program. As an Industry Champion, Esquire now has more opportunities to actively engage with NCRA and its members and to become an even stronger and more visible pioneering voice in the industry," Campbell added.

Corporate partners also earn recognition by their clients, employees, and NCRA’s stakeholders as leaders in supporting the court reporting and captioning professions. In addition, corporate sponsors gain global influence with more than 15,000 NCRA members in all 50 states, Canada, and other nations around the world.

"We thank the court reporting community for supporting us for the past 36 years,” said Robert Bakva, founder of ProCAT. “We are proud to stand with NCRA, as a corporate partner in its quest to create awareness and promote the profession. The future of our company and the community is inextricable. We look forward to the next 36 years," he added.

"Veritext is thrilled to be a part of the NCRA's new Corporate Partnership Program,” Adam Friend, Senior Vice President of Business Development for Veritext Legal Solutions, said. “We are committed to the future and overall success of our industry – and we look forward to further engagement opportunities with NCRA to support its overall objectives and create sustainable opportunities for the Association’s membership for many years to come," he added.

As incoming Vice President of NCRA, Christine Phipps, RPR, owner of Phipps Reporting, said it was important to make it clear to all members that she is supporting NCRA in every way possible, financially and through volunteerism. “My belief for our industry is that we must all come together, every stenographer in the nation; we must unite on common ground and support your national and state associations because without you, we can do nothing. It takes volunteers and money to get things accomplished, plain and simple,” she said. “I love this profession and am eternally grateful to have raised children and put them through college all on my own and want to ensure others that follow us have that same opportunity. I refuse to ask what NCRA can do for me but to ask what I can do for NCRA.”

Petto, Senior Director of External Affairs, at

To arrange an interview with a working court reporter or captioner, or to learn more about the lucrative and flexible court reporting or captioning professions and the many job opportunities currently available, contact

About NCRA

The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) has been the internationally recognized for promoting excellence among those who capture and convert the spoken word to text for more than 100 years. NCRA is committed to supporting its more than 15,000 members in achieving the highest level of professional expertise with educational opportunities and industry-recognized court reporting, educator and videographer certification programs. NCRA impacts legislative issues and the global marketplace through its actively involved membership. Forbes has named court reporting as one of the best career options that do not require a traditional four-year degree and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the court reporting field is expected to grow by 14 percent through the year 2020. Career information about the court reporting profession—one of the leading career options that do not require a traditional four-year degree—can be found at