AAA-rated portfolio manager increases sustainability requirements of global fund of the year - Evli Global X


Citywire AAA rated portfolio manager Wilhelm Bruun* is, together with Marjaana Haataja, in charge of Evli Global X, an expanded version of Evli Global, the Global Equity Fund of the year 2017**. The new sister fund, Evli Global X, has the same, unique, value-focused portfolio management process but with increased sustainability requirements within controversial areas: alcohol, weapons and firearms, tobacco, gambling, coal, nuclear power, adult entertainment and GMOs. The fund may waive the exclusion related to coal if the company in question has a plausible plan for reducing the use of coal in the future. 

Evli Global and Evli Global X are part of Evli's family of global equity funds. The fund family has a unique investment philosophy with a focus on companies that generate cash flow, have strong debt coverage and are underpriced. This combined with a benchmark independent bottom-up style results in truly active funds that may deviate substantially from the benchmark index.

"There is an increasing client demand for funds that have an exclusion strategy, and we are very happy to be able to meet it now and offer our long proven unique investment philosophy also to those investors who wish to exclude certain companies" says Kim Pessala, CEO of the Nordic fund management boutique Evli Fund Management Company. 

All Evli's funds have ESG*** integrated in their investment process and follow Evli's policy on responsible investments. "Evli is engaging in active conversation with companies regarding ESG and can exclude companies if no actions are taken. Manufacturers of controversial weapons are automatically excluded" says Outi Helenius, Head of Responsibility at Evli Bank Plc.

For more information, please contact:
Kim Pessala, CEO, Evli Fund Management Company Ltd, tel. +358 9 4766 9141,
Peter Bergman, Director, Evli Fondbolag Ab, Stockholm, tfn +46 8 407 8043,

*Willhelm Bruun is rated AAA by Citywire for his 3-year risk adjusted performance for the period 31.5.2015-31.5.2018. Source and copyright: Citywire information is proprietary and confidential to Citywire Financial Publishers Ltd ("Citywire"), may not be copied and Citywire excludes any liability arising out its use.
**Morningstar Sweden 2017, Morningstar Finland 2017, the Swedish publication Privata Affärer 2016
***Environmental, social and corporate governance

Evli Fund Management Company Ltd

Evli Fund Management Company is a Nordic fund management boutique with a prime focus on institutional investors. The funds are actively managed with an ESG overlay and a long time-perspective. Senior portfolio managers have an average of 10 years at Evli and 20 years' industry experience.

Evli Fund Management Company is 100 percent owned by Evli Bank Plc. Evli has total of EUR 11.4 billion in client assets under management (net 3/2018). The Evli Group's equity capital totals EUR 65.9 million and its BIS capital adequacy ratio is 15.4 percent (March 31, 2018). The company has more than 200 employees. Evli Bank Plc's B shares are listed on Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Distribution: key media,

Disclaimer: Investments in financial instruments involve risks, and an investment can both increase and decrease in value or become completely valueless. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.