Source: Saniona AB

Change in number of shares and votes in Saniona AB (publ)


June 29, 2018

During June, the registered number of shares and votes in Saniona AB (publ) (“Saniona”) has increased due to conversion of convertible notes issued pursuant to the convertible notes funding agreement that Saniona entered into with Nice & Green S.A. on December 29, 2017. As of June 29, 2018, the registered number of shares and votes in Saniona amounts to 22,446,347.

For more information, please contact

Thomas Feldthus, EVP and CFO, Saniona, Mobile: +45 2210 9957, E-mail:

This information is such information as Saniona AB (publ) is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 01:15 p.m. CEST on June 29, 2018.

About Saniona

Saniona is a research and development company focused on drugs for diseases of the central nervous system, autoimmune diseases, metabolic diseases and treatment of pain. Saniona has four programs in clinical development including three late stage clinical programs focused on the development of treatments to effectively regulate obsessions, cravings and addictions related to food and drugs. Saniona intends to develop and commercialize treatments for orphan indications such as Prader-Willi syndrome on its own and engage in partnerships with larger entities for development programs aiming to treat large indications such as obesity. The company’s research is focused on ion channels, which makes up a unique protein class that enables and controls the passage of charged ions across cell membranes. Saniona has ongoing collaboration agreements with Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Productos Medix, S.A de S.V and Cadent Therapeutics. Saniona’s research center is based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the company’s shares are listed at Nasdaq Stockholm Small Cap (OMX: SANION). Read more at
