Source: SOLUTIONS 30

SOLUTIONS 30 : Revenue up 51% in H1 2018

  • Revenue, France: +55%
  • Revenue, International: +43%
  • Target of double-digit profitable growth confirmed for 2018

SOLUTIONS 30, Europe's leading provider of solutions for New Technologies, today announced its revenue for the first half of 2018.

In millions of euro
(Unaudited figures)
  H1   Q2
  2018 2017 Chg %   2018 2017 Chg %
Total   176.6 117.2 +50.6%   91.4 61.1 +49.5%
O/w France   116.1 74.9 +55.0%   59.4 39.4 +50.8%
O/w International   60.4 42.3 +42.8%   32.0 21.7 +46.9%

Continued steady growth in Q2 2018

In a new and dynamic growth cycle since 2016, SOLUTIONS 30 has seen revenue more than double in two years. This excellent performance continues in 2018, with consolidated Group revenue up 51% year-on-year to €176.6 million in the first half of 2018 (up 37% at constant scope). In the second quarter alone, Group revenue rose 50% to €91.4 million (growth was 36% at constant scope).

Revenue growth in France fuelled by strong momentum across all businesses, especially Fibre and Energy

In France, SOLUTIONS 30 continues its upward trajectory with revenue growth of 51% in the second quarter (44% growth at constant scope) and 55% for the first half of the year (47% at constant scope).  While all the Group's activities delivered positive contribution to this solid performance, growth was particularly high in the Energy field and Optical Fiber segment. In this last segment, the Group can rely on its good ability to recruit and train technicians, in order to meet a sustained roll-out plan and gain market share, in a positive context given the number of home already passed by fiber but not yet connected.

Internationally, the Group is reaping the benefits of its efforts to win new market share and continues to roll-out its successful French business model

International revenue in Q2 2018 came out at €32.0 million, up 47% (+22% at constant scope). Revenue for the first half of 2018 outside France was up 43% to €60.4 million (up 20% at constant scope).

In Germany, business was driven by contracts signed in 2017 and by the acquisition of VKDFS in June 2017.

In the Benelux region, the Group acquired the entire minority shareholding of Janssens Field Services (JFS) on 21 June. The Belgian subsidiary is now fully consolidated, effective retroactively to 1 June 2018. At the same time, as announced last April, the Group formed Uni-T, a new company owned 70% by Solutions 30 and 30% by the Belgian cable operator, Telenet. Uni-T will make a contribution to earnings as of the second half of 2018.

Continuing the performance of the first quarter, Italy posted double-digit growth in sales, boosted by the acquisition of DXC Technology's service business and the signature of new contracts in the previous year.

In Spain, which accounts for 7% of international revenue, the Group set about rationalising its businesses and adapting its approach to a market that is more mature but keeps potential. Growth is temporarily affected by this strategy, but sales remain strong and SOLUTIONS 30 expect growth in the second half.

2018 outlook confirmed

The Group continues to roll out its profitable business model across Europe, while broadening its offer in all regions and consolidating a highly fragmented sector.

The Smartfix30 digital assistance platform continues to expand through its B-to-B brand, SmartfixPartner. Although it currently only makes a marginal contribution to Group revenue, the platform has proven its ability to deploy a very innovative solution on a large scale and is now recognised by the biggest telecommunications and distribution players in Europe.

In 2018, SOLUTIONS 30 will maintain its strong growth strategy and confirms its forecast for another year of profitable growth.

Next key dates:

24 September 2018(*)                   First-half 2018 results
25 September 2018                      10:00: investor conference call (in English)
                                                         14:30: investor meeting (in French)
6 November 2018(*)                      Q3 2018 revenue

(*) Results will be announced after the close of the Euronext Growth and XETRA markets at 20:00 CET.



The SOLUTIONS 30 Group is Europe's leading provider of Solutions for New Technologies. Its mission is to grant individuals and businesses alike access to technological changes that transform our daily lives: computers and the Internet in the past, today's digital changes, and future technology that will make the world ever more connected in real time. Since its founding, the Group has handled more than 10 million service calls by drawing on a network of 6,000 regional technicians. SOLUTIONS 30 currently covers the whole of France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain. SOLUTIONS 30 S.E.'s capital comprises 24,179,812 shares, with an identical number of theoretical and exercisable voting rights.


Solutions 30 S.E. is listed on the Alternext market (ISIN FR0013188844 - code ALS30), eligible for the PEA-PME share savings plan, and on the Frankfurt stock exchange on the Xetra electronic system (ISIN FR0013188844 - code 30L2)

Indexes: MSCI Europe Small Cap | Tech40 | CAC PME

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Nezha Calligaro | CEO PA Samuel Beaupain | Press Relations
+352 (0)2 648 19 17 +33 (0)6 88 48 48 02 |
GENESTA Finance  
Hervé Guyot | Listing Sponsor Nathalie Boumendil | Investor Relations
+33 (0)1 45 63 68 60 | +33 (0)6 85 82 41 95 |