Scope Ratings announces rating of Realkredit Danmark

NASDAQ Copenhagen A/S

 Executive Board
Lersø Parkalle 100
DK-2100 København Ø


Telephone +45 7012 5300



29 August 2018

Company Announcement number 71/2018 – 29 August 2018

Scope Ratings announces rating of Realkredit Danmark

Today, Scope Ratings announced its AAA ratings on mortgage covered bonds (SDRO’s) issued from Realkredit Danmark’s Capital Centres S and T. Further, Realkredit Danmark is assigned an A+ issuer rating on review for upgrade. Realkredit Danmark is now rated by three rating agencies. It is the first rating of a Danish mortgage bank assigned by Scope Ratings.
The announced ratings emphasises the robust credit quality and resilient profitability of Real-kredit Danmark. Realkredit Danmark believe the announced ratings to confirm investors’ trust in Realkredit Danmark and the Danish mortgage banking system.

Executive Board

Any additional questions should be addressed to CRO, Klaus Kristiansen, phone +45 45 13 20 26.                         



Nr. 71_Scope Rating offentliggør rating af Realkredit Danmark_uk