Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj: The first Hoivatilat school project starts in Siilinjärvi

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj

Stock exchange release, 17 September 2018 at 02:00 pm EET

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj: The first Hoivatilat school project starts in Siilinjärvi

The first Hoivatilat school project starts in Siilinjärvi. Hoivatilat is involved in the project as the builder, financier and property owner. The Kuuslahti koulu to be built for the municipality of Siilinjärvi following the lease model has an investment value of EUR 3 million. The lease period is 15 years. Hoivatilat will carry out the project together with Plus Hoivakiinteistöt Oy.

The Kuuslahti school will be designed to be a modern learning environment in accordance with the principles of Hoivatilat's investment-free Domino schools. Domino focuses on learning by doing (DO), caring (MIND) and living in the moment (NOW). The school is expected to open its doors in August 2019.

"This is a significant first project for us in the school sector. At meetings with municipal representatives, we have discovered that the number of schools built following the lease and lifecycle model is increasing. Municipalities no longer want to own all of their properties, and they are increasingly using private partners. Hoivatilat also wants to respond to this demand", says Jussi Karjula, CEO of Hoivatilat.

Oulu, 17 September 2018

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj

Jussi Karjula


Further information:

Jussi Karjula, CEO,, tel. +358 40 773 4054

Petri Kauppinen, service manager, school business,, tel. +358 400 847 817

Suomen Hoivatilat in brief:

Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj specialises in producing, developing, owning and leasing out nursing homes, day care centres, schools and service communities. Founded in 2008, Hoivatilat has been working in cooperation with as many as 60 Finnish municipalities and has launched 150 property projects throughout Finland.