Changes to Nasdaq’s Standing Settlement Instructions for VP Securities – preliminary notification

Nasdaq Clearing AB (Nasdaq) is changing its membership structure with the Danish CSD: Nasdaq will as of October 29th 2018 change its business identity in VP Securities and formally adopt the role of Account Controller and Central Counterparty (CCP).

The transition mandates changes in Nasdaq’s Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) for pledging of securities for Collateral & Default Fund and settlement of equities and bonds versus payment.

Nasdaq is finalizing the transition to Account Controller and CCP in cooperation with VP Securities and the SSI details to be used on all instructions related to deposit and/or withdrawal of Collateral- & Default Fund-contributions, and/or settlement of equities and bonds with trade date October 29th 2018 and onward are as follows:

Participant ID:                  13038

BIC:                                   OMECSESSNOC

The details will also be published on Nasdaq’s websites for Collateral Management and Default Fund, respectively.

Please note that from the same date, in accordance with VP Securities’ T2S DKK-project, securities settlement against Nasdaq will be made exclusively on T2S accounts with T2S-eligible securities. The action required from all members is to update their systems and/or processes to cater for this change, effective date October 29th 2018.

Should your organization have any similar changes of your own SSI details, please contact Nasdaq as soon as possible.


For further information, please contact Nasdaq Clearing:

Telephone +46 8 405 68 80 or