Source: SOLUTIONS 30

Solutions 30 : Accelerated growth in the third quarter of 2018

Solutions 30_blanc_print.jpgPress release
November 6, 2018, 6:00 pm

Accelerated growth in the third quarter of 2018

  • Q3 revenue:  +59.5%
  • Quarterly revenue exceeds €100 million for the first time


Solutions 30 SE, the European leader in solutions for new technologies, publishes its revenue for the third quarter of 2018.

In millions of euros
(Unaudited figures)
 9 months 3rd quarter
 20182017% change 20182017% change
Total 291.1189.0+54.0% 114.571.8+59.5%
From France 185.8120.5+54.1% 69.745.6+53.0%
From abroad 105.368.5+53.8% 44.826.2+70.9%

Accelerated growth in the third quarter: +59.3%

With €114.5 million in revenue in the third quarter of 2018, Solutions 30 has hit the symbolic milestone of €100 million in quarterly revenue for the first time. The group’s rate of growth has reached +59.5% (+17.6% like-for-like), based on comparisons with 2017.

In France, Q3 2018 revenue was €69.7 million, up +53.0% (+21.2% like-for-like). All of the group’s business units fueled this organic momentum, which was only reinforced by fully consolidating CPCP as of August 1st.

Revenue from international operations rose to €44.8 million, an increase of +70.9% (+11.4% like-for-like). This performance was mainly fostered by the strategic acquisitions made in Benelux in 2018, namely the full consolidation of Janssens Field Services (JFS) and Unit-T, which is 70% owned by Solutions 30 and 30% owned by the Belgian cable operator Telenet. This subsidiary is in the process of being integrated and will reach its nominal level in November.

Revenue for the first three quarters amounted to €291.1 million, an increase of 54.0%. Solutions 30 has a good balance of domestic (+54.1%) and international (53.8%) growth as well as organic growth (+29.8%) and acquisitions (+24.2%).

Outlook for profitable, sustainable growth confirmed

Momentum from the third quarter is carrying over into the fourth thus bolstering the group in its capability to achieve its annual goals of sustainable and profitable growth.

In the long term, the group will continue to benefit from structurally fast growing markets and to deploy its profitable model throughout Europe in order to capitalize on growth opportunities provided by the economy’s digital transformation. Pursuing targeted acquisitions is part of the group’s strategy to reach its medium-term goal of exceeding a billion euros in revenue.

Securities transactions

During the Extraordinary General Meeting held on October 31st, the shareholders of Solutions 30 approved a resolution to divide the nominal value of Solutions 30 shares by four. After this operation which aims to increase the shares’ accessibility and liquidity, the company’s capital will consist of 96,719,248 shares worth a nominal value of 0.1275 €.

As described in the press release dated October 31st, the delisting of the old shares (ISIN Code: FR0013188844) and the listing of the new shares (ISIN Code: FR0013379484) will take place on November 7th. The new shares will be delivered on November 9th.

In addition, and as stated in the press release dated September 24th, the Executive Board will proceed on November 9th to grant to 14 Executives of Solutions 30, 7,338,144 stock options, which can be immediately exercised, leading to the issuance of the same number of shares. The company’s capital will the consist of 104,057,392 shares.

Upcoming events:

January 28, 2019                              2018 Annual Sales
April 24, 2019                                    2018 Annual Results
April 25, 2019                                    2:30 pm: Investor Meeting (in French)
                                                                               5 pm: Investor Conference Call (in English)

(*) Published after market closes at 6 pm

About Solutions 30

The Solutions 30 Group is the European leader in solutions for new technologies. Its mission is to make the technological developments that are transforming our daily lives accessible to everyone, individuals and businesses alike. Yesterday, it was computers and the Internet. Today, it’s digital technology. Tomorrow, it will be technologies that make the world even more interconnected in real time. With more than 10 million call-outs carried out since it was founded and a network of more than 6,000 local technicians, Solutions 30 currently covers all of France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Spain. The share capital of Solutions 30 SE consists of 24,179,812shares, equal to the number of theoretical votes that can be exercised.

Solutions 30 SE is listed on Euronext Growth (ISIN FR0013188844 becoming FR0013379484 on November 7th- code ALS30) as well as the Frankfurt Stock Exchange on the XETRA e-listing system (ISIN FR0013188844 becoming FR0013379484 on November 7th – code 30L2) 
Indexes: MSCI Europe Small Cap | Tech40 | CAC PME.
For more information, visit our website: 

Contacts - Solutions 30

Nezha Calligaro | CEO PASamuel Beaupain | Media Relations
+352 2 648 19 17 | nezha.calligaro@solutions30.com06 88 48 48 02 |
Hervé Guyot | Listing SponsorNathalie Boumendil | Investor Relations
01 45 63 68 60 |
06 85 82 41 95 |
