Source: Nasdaq Stockholm AB

Netmore Group AB receives observation status (393/18)

Today, on November 9, 2018, Netmore Group AB published its interim report for the third quarter of 2018 with information on the company’s financial situation.

The current rules of First North state that a listed company can be given observation status if any circumstance exists that results in material adverse uncertainty in respect of the company’s financial situation.

With reference to the above, Nasdaq Stockholm AB has decided that the shares in Netmore Group AB (NETM B, ISIN code SE0009921976, order book ID 140998) and equity rights (NETM TO1 B, ISIN code SE0009948011, order book ID 140999 )will be given observation status.

For further information about this exchange notice please contact Karin Ydén or Emelie Thordewall, telephone + 46 8 405 60 00. 

Nasdaq Stockholm AB