Source: SeaBird Exploration Plc

SeaBird Exploration: 2D survey in the Americas

14 November 2018, Limassol, Cyprus
SeaBird Exploration is pleased to announce that the company has signed a letter of intent to acquire 2D seismic data for an international oil & gas company in the Americas region. The survey is expected to take approximately 6 weeks and will be conducted by the Harrier Explorer in Q1 2019. 
SeaBird is a global provider of marine acquisition for 2D/3D and 4D seismic data, and associated products and services to the oil and gas industry. SeaBird specializes in high quality operations within the high end of the source vessel and 2D market, as well as in the shallow/deep water 2D/3D and 4D market. Main focus for the company is proprietary seismic surveys (contract seismic). Main success criteria for the company are an unrelenting focus on Quality, Health, Safety and Environment (QHSE), combined with efficient collection of high quality seismic data. All statements in this press release other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict, and are based upon assumptions as to future events that may not prove accurate. These factors include SeaBird`s reliance on a cyclical industry and the utilization of the company's vessels. Actual results may differ substantially from those expected or projected in the forward-looking statements.
This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act. 
For further queries contact:
Hans Petter Klohs
CEO SeaBird Exploration
Phone: +47 22402718
Nils Haugestad
CFO SeaBird Exploration
Phone: +47 22402717