Interoil Q3 2018 report

Oslo, 29 November 2018:

  • Due to Vikingo's workover operation sales decreased generating a 47 % decrease in revenues during the quarter from USD 7.4 million in Q2 2018 to USD 3.9 million in 3Q 2018.
  • The Company delivered an EBITDAx (EBITDA adjusted for exploration cost) of USD 1.2 million, the lower in the year.
  • Net comprehensive losses came in at USD 0.8 million (Q2 2018: USD 0.1 million profit).

        Subsequent events:

  • On November 6th Vikingo's workover operation successfully finished. The company will continue testing and evaluating the lower C7 formation
  • The Arbitration Tribunal acting in the controversy between Interoil Colombia and the ANH to settle all the claims and disputes concerning the Exploration and Production Contract No. 68, Block COR-6 approved the conciliation agreed to by Interoil Colombia and the ANH. As a result, Interoil is released from any liability, penalty or responsibility relating to the COR-6 Contract.

For more information, please see attached Q3 2018 interim report


This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5 -12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


Interoil Q3 2018 report