Source: Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S

Disciplinary decision: Late disclosure of annual and interim reports

Nasdaq Copenhagen has reprimanded P/F Atlantic Petroleum, for not disclosing its annual report for 2017 and the interim report for Q1 2018 as soon as possible and after the deadlines in Rules for issuers of shares rule 3.3.3, cf. rule 3.3.1. 

The complete decision is available in Decisions & Statements on the following link:

In order to ensure more transparency about the decisions from the exchange, the exchange publish decisions concerning a reprimand or a fine, with the identity of the issuer. This is stated in Rules for issuers of shares rule 5.

Further information about Nasdaq’s disciplinary procedures can be found on the following link:



For further information, please contact: Jakob Kaule, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 93 33 66