Viking Line Abp: Financial calender for 2019

Viking Line Abp          FINANCIAL CALENDAR            19.12.2018, 10.00 AM

Viking Line Abp: Financial calendar for 2019

Viking Line Abp will publish its Year-end Report for 2018 on Thursday, February 14, 2019.

An electronic version of the Annual Report 2018 will be published during the week of March 4 on the Company's website, The printed Annual Report in Swedish and Finnish will be published during the week of
March 18 and will also be sent by post to the Company's shareholders.

According to plans, Viking Line's Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday, April 25, 2019. A separate invitation
to the AGM will be issued. An announcement of the AGM's decisions will be published after the AGM has ended.

The Company's Financial Reports and Statements for 2019 will be published as follows:

- Business Review for the period January – March: April 25, 2019

- The Half-Year Financial Report for January – June: August 20, 2019

- Business Review for the period January – September: October 25, 2019

The Year-end Report, the Half-Year Financial Report and the Business Reviews will be published at approximately 9.00 a.m.
Finnish time on each respective date in Swedish, Finnish and English.


Jan Hanses
President and CEO / +358-18-27000