Eva Soley Gudbjornsdottir appointed Chief Financial Officer at Icelandair Group

Eva Soley Gudbjornsdottir has been hired Chief Financial Officer of Icelandair Group. She replaces Bogi Nils Bogason who was appointed CEO of the Company in December 2018.

She has an extensive experience of management, operations and finance in Iceland and internationally, both within private and listed companies. She worked as a Managing Director of Finance and Operations at Advania in Iceland from 2015 and then as a Managing Director of Service and Operations of the Company from May 2018. Before Eva Soley joined Advania, she was a Vice President in Corporate Finance at Össur, from 2014-2015, focusing on Investor Relations and Strategic Projects. Prior to that, she was an independent consultant and investor between 2012 and 2014.

Eva Soley started her career within the financial services industry. She worked at Kaupthing Bank for many years in various roles, such as in treasury, asset and liability management, funding, corporate banking and corporate finance. She was a Managing Director at Kaupthing‘s Resolution Committee from 2008 to 2009 and the Chief Financial Officer from 2009 to 2011.

She has served on the Board of various companies and was the Vice Chairman of the Board of Landsbankinn in 2013 to 2016. She now serves on the Board of Jupiter Capital Management and the University of Iceland Science Park. Eva Soley holds a Master of Science Degree in Financial Engineering and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering Management Systems, with a minor in Economics – both from Columbia University in the City of New York. She is also a Certified Securities Broker. Eva Soley is married to Hilmar Rafn Kristinsson and they have two children.

Eva Soley will start working for Icelandair Group in mid-February and will become a member of the Company‘s Executive Committee.

For further information, please contact:

Bogi Nils Bogason, President & CEO
Telephone: +354 5050300
Email: bogi@icelandairgroup.is