Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj: Hoivatilat to build school in Mikkeli on lease model

SUOMEN HOIVATILAT OYJ                                                                                           

PRESS RELEASE 5 February 2019, 9:30 am


Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj has won the contract to build the Anttola comprehensive school for the City of Mikkeli. The school will be built from modular units. The City of Mikkeli made the procurement decision and granted permission for the project to commence at its meeting on Monday, 4 February 2019. The school will be completed in December 2019, and will be built and run as leased premises. The rental period is ten years, after which the lease period can be extended. The value of the ten-year contract is EUR 4.25 million.

"The project is an important step in the development of Hoivatilat's school operations. The project combines two of the company's key areas of expertise, namely schools and modular premises", says Petri Kauppinen, Hoivatilat's school business service manager.


Hoivatilat has also concluded contracts for several other property development projects in recent weeks. Construction of a service home in Kouvola combining care facilities and service accommodation for 60 residents began in January. A project is being launched in the centre of Iisalmi for the provision of care, service housing and rehabilitation services within the same building. The total investment value of these two projects is approximately EUR 17 million.

"I am pleased that as the company is growing, the size of our projects is also increasing and diversifying. Different kinds of service communities and hybrid service projects that combine housing and a variety of services are clearly the direction for the future. In the case of schools, a quick and flexible response is required as the projects often involve solving problems resulting from shortage of space or indoor air problems in existing premises. The prefabricated school in Mikkeli, to be built swiftly, is an important example of this", says Jussi Karjula, CEO.


Further information:  
Jussi Karjula, CEO, tel. +358 40 773 4054 

Suomen Hoivatilat in brief:  
Suomen Hoivatilat Oyj specialises in producing, developing, owning and leasing out nursing homes, day care centres, service communities and schools. Founded in 2008, the company has been working in cooperation with as many as 60 Finnish municipalities and has launched 180 property projects throughout Finland. 


Kouvola Mikkeli School