Source: MT Højgaard Holding A/S

Change in the Executive Board and the domicile of Højgaard Holding A/S

Following the announcements of 16 August 2018, 8 November 2018 and today concerning the negotiations on the pending merger of Højgaard Holding A/S and Monberg & Thorsen A/S, and as a natural step in the preparations for this merger, Anders Heine Jensen, President & CEO of MT Højgaard A/S, and Egil Mølsted Madsen, CFO of MT Højgaard A/S, will join the Executive Board of Højgaard Holding A/S as of today, and the company’s new address will be Knud Højgaards Vej 7, 2860 Søborg. At the same time, Ditlev H. Fløistrup, President & CEO, resigns from the Executive Board of Højgaard Holding A/S as of today to take up a position as Head of Secretariat of Knud Højgaards Fond as well as other managerial roles in the various activities of the foundation. Accordingly, as from today, the Executive Board of Højgaard Holding A/S will be composed by Anders Heine Jensen as President & CEO and Egil Mølsted Madsen as CFO, and the Executive Board of Højgaard Holding A/S is therefore identical with the Executive Board of MT Højgaard A/S.

Anders Heine Jensen (1964) has been President & CEO of MT Højgaard A/S since 1 November 2018. In the period 2011-2018 he took up the role as CEO of Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S (BWSC). He previously worked at Ørsted (DONG Energy) and A.P. Møller-Mærsk and has special expertise in infrastructure projects, management, strategy and project finance as well as solid management experience from energy and contracting companies. Anders Heine Jensen is a board member of the Boards of Directors of Haldor Topsøe A/S and DI Energi as well as a member of the Supervisory Board of the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI). He holds an MSc in Mechanical Engineering and a Graduate Diploma in International Business.

Egil Mølsted Madsen (1965) has been CFO of MT Højgaard A/S since 2013. Egil Mølsted Madsen has previously served as CFO of Dako A/S and as Vice President & CFO, Global Customer Service of FLSmidth & Co. and for a number of years as an accountant of Ernst & Young and others. Egil Mølsted Madsen holds an MSc in Business Administration and Auditing and has special qualifications within accounting, auditing and financing of listed companies. 

Best regards,
Højgaard Holding A/S


Ditlev Fløistrup

Contacts:   Søren Bjerre-Nielsen, chairman of the board, Højgaard Holding, tel. +45 4052 0724
