Source: High times

HIGH TIMES Donates $125,000 to Sacramento’s Build Black Coalition

The Donation provided by the lifestyle brand will go toward Investments in Black Neighborhoods and Businesses

SACRAMENTO, Feb. 12, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- High Times, the most well-known brand in Cannabis, today announced the completion of its $100,000 cash donation plus $25,000 in stock to the Build.Black. Coalition. The new funds, which come after the success of High Times Central Valley Cannabis Cup 2018 - the first ever state-sanctioned cannabis consumption and sales event, will aid the organization in its mission to bring justice, prosperity, and economic opportunity to Sacramento’s African-American community.

The Build.Black. Coalition came together in the wake of yet another tragic death of an unarmed Black man at the hands of police. The goal of the organization is to commit time, resources and its considerable experience to the shared mission of proactive investment and radical transformation for Black communities.

“This donation from High Times will be a great help as we continue to create models to uplift and transform Black communities in Sacramento and across our nation,” Chet Hewitt, co-founder of the Build.Black. Coalition and president and CEO of Sierra Health Foundation and the Center noted. “Racial justice and equity for black communities is integrally connected to economic and social empowerment. We’re pleased to have High Times standing with us as we work towards these goals by investing in black businesses, lifting up youth voices and advocating for justice in policing. We look forward to working alongside Adam and High Times in the future.”

The donation from High Times comes after its successful event, The Cannabis Cup Central Valley, which was held at CalExpo in May of last year. The donation, which was negotiated as part of the deal with the Sacramento City Council, sought to provide funds to community organizations for hosting this first-of-its-kind event within Sacramento. High Times chose to align with the Build.Black. Coalition as the organization feels strongly about the dangers of the disproportionate arrests and unconstitutional police interaction in Black communities, especially around the failed War on Drugs.

The Build.Black. plans to immediately use these funds to support the social justice and racial equity work being done by its members, and to develop a strategy for advancing economic opportunity in Sacramento’s Black community.

About Build. Black. Coalition

The Build.Black. Coalition is spearheaded by a coalition group of activists, non-profits, legal support teams, youth advocates, faith leaders, police accountability and policy experts, and Sacramento community leaders in the fight for equity.

Resting on four foundational pillars, the Build.Black. Coalition is working in key areas: 1) Uplifting Black Youth Voices 2) Health Equity and Access 3) Justice and Policing in Black Communities and 4) Investment in Black Neighborhoods and Businesses.
Learn more about the Build. Black. Coalition at www.buildblack.org

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