Source: Tallinna Vesi

Competition Authority did not satisfy AS Tallinna Vesi´s challenge against the authority’s decision not to approve the prices of water services

On 03.01.2019, AS Tallinna Vesi challenged Competition Authority’s decision dated 04.12.2018 refusing to approve the prices of water services that AS Tallinna Vesi applied for in Tallinn and Saue service area. On 12.02.2019 the Competition Authority informed the company, that it will not satisfy the company´s challenge.

AS Tallinna Vesi may, within 30 days, file an appeal against the decision to the Tallinn Administrative Court.  AS Tallinna Vesi will examine the Competition Authority’s decision in detail, and will thereafter decide whether or not to file an appeal. 

AS Tallinna Vesi is currently in the process of preparing a response to the Competition Authority concerning the supervisory review procedure, which is related to the same decision. In this response, the company will explain its position on the price components, serving as a basis of the prices of water services. The deadline for AS Tallinna Vesi to respond is currently  the 01.04.2019. 

The company is still awaiting the decision in the ongoing international arbitration proceedings, where AS Tallinna Vesi and United Utilities (Tallinn) B.V. have submitted a damage claim against the Republic of Estonia, based on the Agreement on Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Estonia.

Eliis Vennik
Head of Customer Relations and Communications
Tallinna Vesi
(+372) 626 2275