2018 Results



2018 results(1)March 14, 2019

Strong performance by the Group’s operating activities in 2018

Mr. Vincent Bolloré unanimously appointed Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer


  • Revenue: €23,024 million, up 7% at constant scope and exchange rates (+26% as reported ([2]), including €13,924 million from Vivendi, fully consolidated since April 26, 2017).
  • Good operating income across all segments: €1,300 million, up 25% at constant scope and exchange rates (+17% as reported).
    • Bolloré Transportation & Logistics: €545 million up 8% at constant scope and exchange rates, benefiting from strong volume growth.
    • Communications: €940 million (+29% at constant scope and exchange rates) benefiting from the strong performance of Vivendi and its main activities: Universal Music Group (UMG), Canal+ Group and Havas.
    • Electricity storage: improved results, with a loss of €152 million, vs. a loss of €164 million in 2017.
  • Net income: €1,102 million, vs. €2,043 million in 2017, which included €1,012 million in favorable exceptional tax items related to Vivendi. Excluding these items, net income increased by 7%| Net income Group share: €122million, vs. €367 million, bearing in mind the favorable items recorded in 2017.
  • Indebtedness stable at €5,040 million, compared with €5,068 million as of December 31, 2017 | Gearing low at 19%.
  • Proposed dividend: €1.0 per share, identical to that paid in 2017.
  • The Board of Directors of Financière de l’Odet unanimously appointed Mr. Vincent Bolloré as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.


2018 results



The Board of Directors, which met on March 14, 2019, approved the 2018 financial statements.


2018 revenue amounted to €23,024 million, an increase of 7% at constant scope and exchange rates (+26% as reported), thanks to:


v  9% growth in transportation and logistics activities:

• Bolloré Logistics (+9%), driven by growth in sea and air freight volumes;
• Bolloré Africa Logistics (+9%), benefiting from higher port terminal volumes. Rail activity expanded thanks to growth in goods traffic, particularly at Sitarail;

v  25% growth in the oil logistics activity business on the back of higher prices for petroleum products and a slight increase in volumes;

v  4% growth in the communications business, attributable mainly to Vivendi (+4%), which benefited from growth at UMG (+10%).


As reported, revenue was up 26%, reflecting an additional €3,561 million from change in the scope of consolidation, stemming mainly from Vivendi’s full consolidation over 12 months in 2018 (vs. eight months in 2017), and adverse foreign exchange impacts of - €477 million.



EBITDA([3]) totaled €2,726 million, an increase of 33% as reported vs. 2017


Operating income amounted to €1,300 million, up 25% at constant scope and exchange rates (+17% as reported):


  • Growth in transportation and logistics activities: €511 million, up 9% at constant scope and exchange rates (+4% as reported) thanks to the good performance of port terminals in Africa and increased freight forwarding volumes, particularly in Asia;
  • Slight decline in oil logistics income to €34 million (-5% at constant scope and exchange rates) due to negative inventory impacts;
  • Growth in the communications segment to €940 million (+29% at constant scope and exchange rates) thanks to strong performances by Vivendi’s main activities([4]): UMG (+22%), Canal+ Group (+33%) and Havas (+2%).
In 2018, Vivendi’s operating income no longer includes the contribution of Telecom Italia, reclassified to equity-accounted non-operating companies (€108 million in 2017).

  • Losses in the Electricity Storage and Solutions business were reduced to €152 million, an improvement of 7%, thanks to tight control of expenses ahead of the release of a substantially improved version of its dry battery, with investment continuing on research and development in solid batteries operating at ambient temperature.




Financial income amounted to €136 million, compared with €114 million in 2017. It mainly includes revaluation gains totaling €311 million on Spotify and Tencent Music securities. By contrast, the capital gain on Ubisoft (€1.2 billion) is recognized in equity([5]) in Vivendi’s financial statements. In 2017, financial income included a €232 million fair value adjustment on Vivendi securities following the change in consolidation method.



The share of net income of non-operating companies accounted for using the equity method totaled €172 million, compared with €115 million in 2017. It includes Vivendi’s share of Telecom Italia’s results
(€122 million), offsetting the provision for impairment of Mediobanca securities (€40 million) and the decline in Socfin’s contribution, penalized by the drop in palm oil and rubber prices.



After a negative €506 million in taxes, consolidated net income amounted to €1,102 million, compared with €2,043 million in 2017, which included €1,012 million in favorable exceptional tax items relating to Vivendi. Excluding these items, net income increased by 7%. Net income Group share amounted to €122 million, compared with €367 million in 2017, bearing in mind that the 2017 results were boosted by favorable items.



Net debt amounted to €5,040 million, compared with €5,068 million as of December 31, 2017, taking into account the increase in the stake in Vivendi in 2018, representing a financial investment of €2.5 billion, and disposals of investments in Ubisoft, Fnac Darty and Telefonica in a total amount of €2.2 billion. Equity amounted to €26,156 million (€28,529 million as of December 31, 20176), putting gearing at 19%, compared with 18% at the end of 2017.


As of February 28, 2019, the Group’s liquidity position([7]), including undrawn available amount and liquid securities, represented approximately €2.2 billion for Bolloré. Including Vivendi, the amount stands at approximately €9 billion euros([8]).




Among the resolutions put to the vote at the General Shareholders’ Meeting of May 29, 2019 will be the implementation of Financière de l’Odet’s proposed conversion to a European Company (societas europea). Based in France and operating in 26 European countries, Financière de l’Odet generates 56% of its consolidated revenue in Europe, where it currently employs 38% of its workforce. The transition to the new status will align Financière de l’Odet’s corporate form with its European economic and cultural roots.


The General Shareholders’ Meeting will be asked to approve a dividend of €1,0 per share. The ex-dividend date will be June 4, 2019, with payment on June 6, 2019.


The General Meeting will be asked to appoint Mr Sébastien Bolloré, Director of Financière de l’Odet.






Increased shareholding in Vivendi: in 2018, the Group purchased an additional 6% of Vivendi’s share capital and exercised call options for 1.6% of share capital. The Group’s interest was increased from 20% to 26%([9]). The additional investment in 2018 was €2.5 billion.


Sale of non-controlling equity interests: in 2018, Vivendi sold €2.2 billion of non-controlling equity interests (Ubisoft, Fnac Darty, Telefonica). The remaining stake in Ubisoft was sold for €429 million in early 2019. Bolloré’s net income does not include the total capital gain of €1.2 billion on Ubisoft, which was recognized mainly in equity in Vivendi’s financial statements.





 (in millions of euros)  Dec. 31st, 2018  Dec. 31st, 2017*  Change
  Turnover  23,024   18,337   + 26  %
  EBITDA (1)  2,726   2,053   + 33  %
  Depreciation, amortization and provisions  (1,426  )  (939  )  + 52  %
  Operating income  1,300   1,114   + 17  %
Operating equity associates(2)23 151  
  Financial income  136   114   + 19  %
  Share in the net income of equity-accounted  172   115   + 49  %
  non-operating companies   
  Taxes  (506  )  700   na
  Net income  1,102   2,043   - 46  %
  Net income group share  122   367   - 67  %
  Minorities  979   1,676   - 42  %
Shareholders’ equity26,156 28,529 (2,373)
Of which Group share3,814 4,152 (337)
  Net debt  5,040   5,068   (28  )
  Gearing ratio(3)  19  %  18  %  - 

(1) EBITDA: operating income less depreciation, amortization and operating provisions (including the share of net income of companies accounted for under the equity method)
(2) At Vivendi, primarily Telecom Italia as of December 31, 2017 and four months of Vivendi accounted for under the equity method in Bolloré’s financial statements between January 1 and April 26, 2017. The interest in Telecom Italia was reclassified to equity-accounted non-operating companies on January 1 2018.
 (3) Gearing: ratio of net debt to equity

* Restated data as of December 2017, see “Comparability of financial statements”.

Operating income by activity

(in millions of euros)  Dec. 31st, 2018  Dec. 31st, 2017*  Change
Bolloré Transport & Logistics545 527 +3%
  Transportation & Logistics (1)  511   491   + 4  %
  Oil logistics  34   36   - 6  %
  Communications (Havas, Media, Telecoms) (2)  940   780   + 20  %
  Electricity Storage and Solutions  (152  )  (164  )  - 
  Others (Agricultural Assets, Holding Companies) (1)  (33  )  (29  )  - 
  Total Operating Income Bolloré Group  1 300   1 114   + 17  %

(1)   Before trademark fees
(2)  Including, in 2018, full consolidation of Vivendi over 12 months, i.e. €959 million (vs. eight months of full consolidation and four months under the equity method and 12 months of Havas, i.e. €803.6 million, in 2017)

The audit of the 2018 consolidated financial statements has been completed, and the certification report will be issued after review of the management report.


Comparability of financial statements

New standards applied from January 1, 2018

  • IFRS 15 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers”
    • No material impact on revenue or on consolidated operating income
    • Bolloré nevertheless elected to apply this change in accounting standards to the 2017 fiscal year, thereby making the data presented for 2017 comparable.
  • IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments”
    • In accordance with this standard, choice of classification of securities at fair value through profit and loss or through equity with adjustment in opening balance sheet at January 1, 2018.
    • Material impact on 2018 net income:

Vivendi’s €1,213m capital gain following the sale of its stake in Ubisoft on March 20, 2018 could not be recognized in the income statement except for €53m (corresponding to the revaluation of the stake in 2018).
Under the former IAS 39, it would have been fully recognized in the income statement in 2018.

  • Telecom Italia
    • To reflect its reduced influence over Telecom Italia, Vivendi now recognizes the share of net income from Telecom Italia as a share of net income from equity-accounted non-operating companies. In 2017, this was recognized in operating income as a share of net income from equity-accounted operating companies.
  • Change in the scope of consolidation
    • The work on the recognition of Vivendi’s assets and liabilities at fair value was finalized in the first half of 2018, in accordance with IFRS 3 – Business Combinations. The 2017 financial statements were adjusted to reflect the effects of the final allocation.
    • Havas was sold to Vivendi in July 2017 and was consolidated by Vivendi in 2018.
  • Currencies

                        The euro strengthened against the main currencies compared with 2017.

 2018 2017Change
  • Transitional 2017 financial statements
    • Restated Income Statements as of December 2017
In millions of euros2017
Revenue18 325  18 337  
Good and services bought in(12 496)(12 526)
Staff costs(3 942)(3 942)
Amortization and provisions(948)(939)
Other operating income and charges34 34 
Share in net income of operating companies accounted for using the equity method151 151 
Operating income1 124  1 115  
Net financing expenses(128)(128)
Other financial income and expenses247 247 
Financial income119  119  
Share of net income of non-operating companies accounted for using the equity method115 115 
Corporate income tax723 700 
Consolidated net income2 082  2 049  
Consolidated net income Group share699  695 
Nop-controlling interests1 382  1 354  
Earnings per share (in euros, excluding treasury shares)  
- basic0,24 0,24 
- diluted0,24 0,24 

  • Restated balance sheet (assets and liabilities) as of December 31, 2017 and January 1, 2018
(In millions of euros) 31/12/2017
Goodwill 14 431 13 959
Intangible assets 10 290 9 932
Property, plant and equipment 3 109 3 108
Investments in equity affiliates 4 587 4 560
Other non-current financial assets 7 826 7 745
Deferred tax 721 730
Other non-current assets 523 523
Non-current assets 41 888  42 893
Inventories and work in progress 1 171 1 172
Trade and other receivables 7 153 7 140
Current tax 455 455
Other current financial assets 109 109
Other current assets 535 535
Cash and cash equivalents 3 099 3 099
Current assets 12 522  12 509
Total Assets 54 009  53 066

(In millions of euros) 31/12/2017
Share capital 105 105
Share issue premiums 88 88
Consolidated reserves 4 002 3 957
Shareholders’ equity, Group share 4 195 4 150
Non-controlling interests 25 101 24 367
Shareholders’ equity 29 296 28 516
Non-current financial debts 7 157 7 157
Provisions for employee benefits 907 907
Other non-current provisions 945 945
Deferred tax 2 424 2 338
Other non-current liabilities 475 382
Non-current liabilities 11 909  11 730
Current financial debts 1 085 1 085
Current provisions 437 437
Trade and other payables 10 586 10 583
Current tax 237 237
Other current liabilities 460 478
Current liabilities 12 805  12 820
Total liabilities 54 009  53 066

1 Restated data as of December 2017, see “Comparability of financial statements”.

2 IFRS 15 restatement

3 EBITDA: operating income less depreciation, amortization and operating provisions (including the share of net income of companies accounted for under the equity method).

4 Reported EBITA data by Vivendi at constant scope and exchange rates. EBITA before Canal+ Group restructuring +22%.

5 Only €53 million was recognized in the income statement in accordance with IFRS 9, applied since January 1, 2018.

6 Restated data as of December 2017, see “Comparability of financial statements”

7 Excluding Vivendi

8 Including Havas

9 Including the share-loan agreement for 0.9% of the share capital and the remaining call options, which represent 1% of capital.



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