Source: North Media A/S

Status of North Media A/S’ share buy-back programme 2019

Company announcement no 06-19

15 March 2019

As announced in company announcement no 02-19, North Media has launched a share buy-back programme with Danske Bank as lead manager. This programme will expire no later than 30 September 2019.

In continuation thereof, North Media states that Danske Bank has provided information that, at 14 March 2019, Danske Bank has acquired 395,000 shares in North Media at an average share price of DKK 38.93 per share and a total price of DKK 15,377,000.

The acquisition by Danske Bank is equivalent to 1.97% of the North Media’s share capital. Consequently, North Media’s holding of treasury shares at 14 March 2019 accounts for 7.45% of the share capital.

This document is an unofficial translation of the Danish original. In the event of any inconsistencies, the Danish version shall apply.