Source: Tallinna Vesi

The Tribunal will render its award by 3rd May 2019

The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) informed AS Tallinna Vesi on 15th March 2019 that the Tribunal intends to render its award in the arbitration case between AS Tallinna Vesi, United Utilities (Tallinn) B.V. and the Republic of Estonia by 3rd May 2019.

In October 2014, AS Tallinna Vesi and its shareholder United Utilities (Tallinn) B.V., registered in the Kingdom of The Netherlands, commenced international arbitration proceedings against the Republic of Estonia for breach of the Agreement on the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments between the Kingdom of The Netherlands and the Republic of Estonia. The international arbitration hearings were held in November 2016.

Eliis Vennik
Head of Customer Relations and Communications
Tallinna Vesi
(+372) 626 2275