Regarding the change of regulatory activity form

INVL Baltic Real Estate (hereinafter may be referred as the Company) informs that the decision from the Director of the Supervision Service of the Bank of Lithuania on the amendment of the Company's regulatory activity form was received on 21th March 2019. The Company from now is considered not to be operating on the basis of a license, but operating under the permission issued by the Bank of Lithuania.

This decision of the Bank of Lithuania was adopted seeking to implement the new wording of the Collective Investment Undertakings Law that came into force on 1st February 2019.

The Company informs that the change of regulatory activity form does not affect the rights and / or duties of the Company's investors or the activities of the Company.

The person authorized to provide additional information:
INVL Asset Management, UAB
Head of Legal for Private Equity
Audrius Matikiūnas